Does a believer make up the church
Does the church make up the believer?
If, with Paul, you believe that the Ekklesia IS the very Body of Christ...
And this understanding came to Paul when Christ asked him:
"Saul, Saul - Why are you persecuting Me??"
Because for all Saul knew, he was but persecuting heretics...
And he was most certainly not persecuting God...
Yet he called Christ Lord, and asked Him Who He is...
So for the rest of his life, he suffered for the sake of the Ekklesia...
Because by doing so, he was suffering for Christ Himself...
And he regarded it as his Joy so suffer for Christ...
To make up by suffering in his own flesh that which was lacking in the suffering of Christ...
So IF you understand the Church as the Body of Christ...
And IF you understand Christ to be the Head of His Own Body...
THEN you will understand why it is that the Church Baptizes us INTO Christ...
Because it is NOT men baptizing by their own will in the "organization" of the Church...
Instead, it is Christ Himself receiving us INTO Himself through His Servants...
It is Christ Himself Baptizing us INTO Himself...
And this is reflected in all the Gospel accounts of John the Baptist...
"I baptized you in water; but He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit."
Clearly it is Christ Who is doing the Baptizing...
And then we find Him commanding His Apostles to baptize the nations:
Mat 28:19
Go ye therefore, and disciple all nations,
baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
So which is it?
Does Christ-God do the Baptizing?
Or is it His Apostles that do the Baptizing?
Because BOTH are truely Baptizing...
And so we say that because the Apostolic Church is Baptizing in obedience to Christ by the Command of Christ, then it is Christ Himself Who is Baptizing IN His Body, the Ekklesia of God...
This seems so obvious to me that I really do not understand how anyone can possibly doubt it...
Christ Baptizing IN the Holy Spirit BY His Apostolic Body is NOT the Holy Spirit Baptizing...
It is Christ Baptiing IN the Holy Spirit...
Delusion comes in many guises...
This particular one rips from Christ's Hands the Baptizing of the Faithful INTO Himself...