I was only making an example from it. What we do, or don't do, when we love someone or something, sometimes says alot.
But then what we WANT to do is often hindered by money, circumstances, or interference from other sources.
Don't forget, there's an enemy that wants to see love stalled, broken or stopped, and is always working towards that end.
I think, too, that it can look hypochritical to be very attached to one animal as a pet, but then eat another as dinner.
Sometimes the love of a pet is all some ppl have, and seeing them suffer or losing them really hurts.
Some are pets, some food, I guess.
In my case, I didn't really go get him, God sort of brought him into my life, and he adopted me, and I got pretty attached to him and his unconditional love.
I guess bc alot of times, ppl hurt us, often for no good reason, we've been hurt so we take it out on others sometimes, it's usually pretty unjustified, but maybe in pets we see a way to give and receive a kind of substitutionary love we wish we had with ppl, no deliberate hurt, no strings attached, no false accusations or condemnations.
But at the market, we just see a package of food to cook and eat.
I try to remember to pray for both. The pets and the food. And the ppl. :=D: