Do you think it's religion that causes the most conflict in the world? Or is it something else?
If we could only find that one major source of conflict and then eliminate it...
Broadly, no - religion itself is not the major cause of conflict in the world. It is often used to divide people and set up groups of individuals against other groups of individuals by 3rd parties who seek to manipulate the religious passions and differing of beliefs of people to achieve their own goals and agendas.
Most of the major conflicts of the world are not based in opposing religious beliefs, they are based in the economics of exploitation and domination. For example, as a kid I was taught that America was fighting in Vietnam to "stop the threat of communism". Obviously not a religious reason - but one based in fear nonetheless, that the political system of a small country very far away could have such a great influence and spread it's ideology far and wide - so the world had to fight to keep "freedom" alive.
It was rubbish. The real reason for fighting in Vietnam was to funnel a great fortune into the military industrial complex, to increase the US's military might, indebt it to world bankers and make a few individuals very very rich. The justification - The Gulf of Tonkin incident is now admitted and revealed to be a complete fabrication.
But the affections of those who love "democracy" (oh how they forget the US was founded as a Republic, not a democracy) work the same for religous affections.
While it is true that some of the teachings of some religions are (in my view at least), distasteful to put it mildly (some of Islam's teachings are a good example), and do cause and contribute to some problems, I do not think they are the root of major conflicts around the world.
Mostly, it is economics, greed, and exploitation.
I would say though, that a certain aspect of many religions (including Christianity to some degree) do contribute.
That aspect is non evidence based faith, or faith in stories that do not jive with history or even with themselves, and some of the calls to action that are derived from them. That, and the aforementioned method of divide and conquer based on religious or political labels.