The evidence for evolution is staggering and indisputable. I have posted such evidence here many times, but it is dismissed without even a glance.
So, while those with no background in science might dispute the mass of evidence, those who have actually studied the issue overwhelmingly are led to the conclusion that evolution is a fact. When the evidence is examined, it is the only conclusion one can make.
No, sir, it isn't. I'm a Deist, and while I have respect for many biblical teachings, I do not need to quote one verse from it to dispute what you are calling established fact.
The "Science" you are quoting and referring to is simply data that is interpreted, most of the time with a bias, and much of the time with assumptions filled in.
Here is the salient and simple fact: The Scientific method cannot be used to establish either Origins, or Cause of Origins. That is because *in order for it to be used*, one must NOT RELY on assumptions about the past. Real science makes
no assumptions, it can be used to test things in the here and now. In order for both the age of the earth and the *cause of the earth* to be established by the Scientific Method - it must be testable, NOW, and it CANNOT rely on extrapolated, guessed at, or assumed data that cannot be tested, as that data is in the distant past. That applies to both dating methods that are said to give ages of millions of years, and other guessed at and assumed hypothesis regarding transitional forms, their relative scarcity, etc.