Crazy Christian Theology


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I evaluate your views by the results of your "investigation," and they seem to have veered away from the Bible's truths that I have gleaned from the Bible's own assumptions as a whole.
That's a very general comment. Please be specific.
I can say that angels visit us to help us from God but that it's questionable that other events that you have experienced are all from God.
How can you say what is from God and what is not? Your judgment sounds like pride speaking.
Your resolving of "Bible mysteries that nobody else has" sounds like the sin of pride, I don't know.
But if the mysteries I've solved are accurate and innovative, which I believe they are, it isn't pride, its education.
Why do you think that you have the right or ability to resolve those mysteries with God's approval?
Ask God that question not me. I just try to worship and follow where led.
It is there that I fear you have gone off the rails from true Bible interpretation, since God has not revealed everything we are curious about in the Bible. And if you think you have received added revelation to the Bible, you could start a cult, because cult leaders have wrongly claimed the same thing. We need humility to understand that we are not on God's level and that we need to submit to the mysteries of the Bible.
Again, you have no comments on my analysis or conclusions, but they must be wrong because you say they are. You should do some self-evaluating to find out why you are so closed minded and judgmental.
Daniel 9:24-27 is a passage I have never studied or preached on during the 27 years I was a pastor. Therefore, I have no opinion. I don't spend time studying prophecies, but instead in my retirement I write devotional Bible studies that hopefully help Christians apply the Word to their lives for their spiritual progress. I also write mystery and historical novels. God has blessed me with his guidance in being a published author.
You have been a pastor for 27 years and never studied or preached on Daniel 9:24-27--the most complete prophecy ever written? I find that hard to believe. Here you are telling me how I have failed in my duties to follow God and I need humility, yet you have worked directly for God for 27 years and have never studied or preached on the most important prophecy ever written and fulfilled through Jesus. No wonder you have no comments on my analysis and conclusions yet you attack them--you don't know the word of God.


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You're claiming you're the only one who has the true word of God? Is that what your post just said?
Lamb, I want to thank you for asking thoughtful and serious questions to try to understand my analysis and conclusions. I appreciate it in contrast to some of the baseless attacks from people who haven't studied the word of God yet think they are experts.


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I guess I'm missing the 'hidden gems' in what you are referring to. According to your words:

---"A recurring theme in your posts here is that the responses you are seeing might mean you're onto something and people don't want their worldview shaken, but might also mean that your theories lack merit and people don't want to spend their time on them."

---"To insist that people not jumping on what you present is evidence that you are right and they are wilfully blind is, well, wilfully blind."

---"Or maybe your conclusions are wrong. It could be your conclusions are right and people don't want their worldviews shaken, it could be that your conclusions are wrong."

---"If all you have to go on is visions then I'd be concerned your visions might be misleading you."

In summary, my theories "lack merit," I'm "willfilly blind" my "conclusions are wrong," and my "visions might be misleading" me. Did I miss something? I guess I missed the part where you actually examined something I've written.

You missed the point entirely, even as you quoted it repeatedly. Try again, read it slowly if it helps.

If people reject your theories it may mean one of two things:

1. They don't want their worldview shaken
2. Your theories lack merit.

Notice that there are two options there, one of which you've chosen to focus on to the exclusion of the other.

There are a few other options, along the lines of people not knowing who you are, of not having time or inclination to indulge a stranger's theories etc. Since nobody on here knows you, even if we accept your proposed interpretation of Daniel it doesn't assure us that God gave you a vision or that anything else you say is true. There are benefits to knowing people in person.

Honestly, since you've chosen to misrepresent what I've said even as you repeatedly quoted it, insist that others accept your theories while presenting "I know my visions are from God" as if that were the end of the matter, it's hard to take you seriously. I can't test your visions, I can't test whether your theories are the result of divine inspiration, secular musings or too much cheese before bed, and if I were to accept that you are right about Daniel that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be right about anything else.

So for now your theories can sit in the pot marked "don't know", and frankly your refusal to listen to concerns means they're likely to stay there.


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You missed the point entirely, even as you quoted it repeatedly. Try again, read it slowly if it helps.

If people reject your theories it may mean one of two things:

1. They don't want their worldview shaken
2. Your theories lack merit.

Notice that there are two options there, one of which you've chosen to focus on to the exclusion of the other.
But your second option is wrong because as of yet the only feedback I've had from religious leaders is that my conclusions are interesting and they can't find anything wrong with them. I have not had feedback from anyone claiming that they don't have merit other than those who have no feedback and don't care to take the time to figure out if my conclusions are right. You for instance, you keep objecting to my conclusions yet you haven't dug into the details.

There are a few other options, along the lines of people not knowing who you are, of not having time or inclination to indulge a stranger's theories etc. Since nobody on here knows you, even if we accept your proposed interpretation of Daniel it doesn't assure us that God gave you a vision or that anything else you say is true. There are benefits to knowing people in person.
Does it matter who I am? If you think that's important you can find out everything about me from my first book, "Course Corrections to Faith and Identify the Real Gospel Authors." My life history and reason for doing this investigation is presented in it.
Honestly, since you've chosen to misrepresent what I've said even as you repeatedly quoted it, insist that others accept your theories while presenting "I know my visions are from God" as if that were the end of the matter, it's hard to take you seriously. I can't test your visions, I can't test whether your theories are the result of divine inspiration, secular musings or too much cheese before bed, and if I were to accept that you are right about Daniel that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be right about anything else.
You repeat yourself but you have not given any details on how I misrepresented you. Feel free to explain.
So for now your theories can sit in the pot marked "don't know", and frankly your refusal to listen to concerns means they're likely to stay there.
What concerns? You have been whining about me, but I have heard no concerns about my work from you. Feel free to ask any questions you like and I will address them.
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But your second option is wrong because as of yet the only feedback I've had from religious leaders is that my conclusions are interesting and they can't find anything wrong with them. I have not had feedback from anyone claiming that they don't have merit other than those who have no feedback and don't care to take the time to figure out if my conclusions are right. You for instance, you keep objecting to my conclusions yet you haven't dug into the details.

Where did I object to your conclusions? You can't complain I'm not addressing your material while also complaining I object to your conclusions. I haven't read your material in enough detail to form an opinion one way or the other as to its merit.

There are so many people online pushing one agenda or another, some of which may be useful and some of which may not be useful, that I don't have time to explore them all in any detail. When I see the kind of pushing you've been doing here, paired with misrepresentation of people who raise issues, it doesn't inspire me to dig any deeper into what else you might have to say.

Does it matter who I am? If you think that's important you can find out everything about me from my first book, "Course Corrections to Faith and Identify the Real Gospel Authors." My life history and reason for doing this investigation is presented in it.

Only insofar as I want to know some basics, like whether I can trust you to have pure motives, present truth without framing it in a way that misleads and the like. The reality is that I don't know you and therefore can't answer those questions, so excuse me if I don't rush to trust something you present.

If I have to buy and read a book to get any background, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer but I already have a good pile of books waiting to be read.

(Before you turn that into another moan about me objecting to your conclusions, let me be perfectly clear that your material falls into "I don't know" rather than "true" or "false".)


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Where did I object to your conclusions? You can't complain I'm not addressing your material while also complaining I object to your conclusions. I haven't read your material in enough detail to form an opinion one way or the other as to its merit.

There are so many people online pushing one agenda or another, some of which may be useful and some of which may not be useful, that I don't have time to explore them all in any detail. When I see the kind of pushing you've been doing here, paired with misrepresentation of people who raise issues, it doesn't inspire me to dig any deeper into what else you might have to say.

Only insofar as I want to know some basics, like whether I can trust you to have pure motives, present truth without framing it in a way that misleads and the like. The reality is that I don't know you and therefore can't answer those questions, so excuse me if I don't rush to trust something you present.

If I have to buy and read a book to get any background, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer but I already have a good pile of books waiting to be read.
I only pointed you to my book because my analysis and conclusions have nothing to do with me and my background, and in general it's a waste of time for me to discuss my qualifications, education, certification, etc., on this forum. God uses anyone or anything he wants to for his own purpose, so my background does not matter....but for some reason it does to you. That being said if you have a specific question, fire away, but for any question you ask of me, provide the same details about you, so we both waste our time.
(Before you turn that into another moan about me objecting to your conclusions, let me be perfectly clear that your material falls into "I don't know" rather than "true" or "false".)
I've presented a ton of data with analysis and conclusions on this forum already and there hasn't been even one specific feedback comment. I've challenged others to go through my Daniel 9:24-27 analysis and present their own conclusions and nobody here thus far is interested. You can blame your lack of interest on me, but that is clearly just a copout.


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I've presented a ton of data with analysis and conclusions on this forum already and there hasn't been even one specific feedback comment. I've challenged others to go through my Daniel 9:24-27 analysis and present their own conclusions and nobody here thus far is interested.

Hence my earlier comments about this potentially indicating that people don't want their worldview shaken, or people believing your theories lack merit.

You can blame your lack of interest on me, but that is clearly just a copout.

I don't blame my lack of interest on you. Nice try though. Strawmen always make for a good discussion.


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Hence my earlier comments about this potentially indicating that people don't want their worldview shaken, or people believing your theories lack merit.
You keep saying that, but the few people that have taken the time to review them have found merit in them. You haven't reviewed them so you must be in the other category and don't want your worldview shaken. But then again, you find merit in something based on who a person is rather than what a person produces., so you could be in your second category too.
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You keep saying that, but the few people that have taken the time to review them have found merit in them. You haven't reviewed them so you must be in the other category and don't want your worldview shaken. But then again, you find merit in something based on who a person is rather than what a person produces., so you could be in your second category too.

You know, there's really no point continuing this. Either you're totally missing what I'm saying or you're throwing up endless strawmen to muddy the waters.

Either way I'm done with this.


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You know, there's really no point continuing this. Either you're totally missing what I'm saying or you're throwing up endless strawmen to muddy the waters.

Either way I'm done with this.
lol. You've whined about how much work it would be for you to see if my conclusions have any merit, but as a Christian, had anyone presented me the solution I've provided it would take me 30 minutes to see that my conclusions have merit and current theology for Daniel is nonsense. I'm sorry that you are such a slow learner.

If you decide to stop the nonsense and get into the nuts and bolts, like I've told others, lets start with you considering my novel and unique conclusions for Daniel 9:24-27 that prove current end time theology wrong. Your infinite knowledge and experience could help me see the error of my ways. But you won't because it will confuse you and be too much work. You'd rather whine again about how I don't understand you., so I guess I'm through with you too.


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That's a very general comment. Please be specific.

How can you say what is from God and what is not? Your judgment sounds like pride speaking.

But if the mysteries I've solved are accurate and innovative, which I believe they are, it isn't pride, its education.

Ask God that question not me. I just try to worship and follow where led.

Again, you have no comments on my analysis or conclusions, but they must be wrong because you say they are. You should do some self-evaluating to find out why you are so closed minded and judgmental.

You have been a pastor for 27 years and never studied or preached on Daniel 9:24-27--the most complete prophecy ever written? I find that hard to believe. Here you are telling me how I have failed in my duties to follow God and I need humility, yet you have worked directly for God for 27 years and have never studied or preached on the most important prophecy ever written and fulfilled through Jesus. No wonder you have no comments on my analysis and conclusions yet you attack them--you don't know the word of God.
JusttheFacts, I compare every claim with the Bible's clear teachings; that's how I can tell whether or not it is from God. Do you make sure that every vision that you get conforms to the Bible's teachings before you accept it as coming from God?

I had one prophetic vision, and it came true. Therefore, I know that it was from God. There are many more-practical and applicable passages in the Bible than Daniel 9: 24-27. I was a preacher, a little like the prophets of old, who challenged the people with our need to grow in our Christian lives. That's what God sent me to seven churches to do. Why is it "the most important prophecy ever written"? I think that Isaiah 53 is much more important.

I do not go back to the history of threads but try to understand what the conversation is all about. I don't have the time to investigate your investigations, because I like many people have other things to do.

God will call us both to account for all we have said and done, including your last comment.


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JusttheFacts, I compare every claim with the Bible's clear teachings; that's how I can tell whether or not it is from God. Do you make sure that every vision that you get conforms to the Bible's teachings before you accept it as coming from God?
I check every vision against the written word of God but I ignore theology.
I had one prophetic vision, and it came true. Therefore, I know that it was from God. There are many more-practical and applicable passages in the Bible than Daniel 9: 24-27.
i don’t agree with that statement. You are downplaying what God referred to as the most complete prophecy ever written. You can’t ignore the importance of that. I’m surprised that in 27 years you haven’t examined it.
I was a preacher, a little like the prophets of old, who challenged the people with our need to grow in our Christian lives. That's what God sent me to seven churches to do. Why is it "the most important prophecy ever written"? I think that Isaiah 53 is much more important.
it predicts the full mission of Jesus and explains what will happen to the church of Jesus Christ. You should look at and examine my write up on it.
I do not go back to the history of threads but try to understand what the conversation is all about. I don't have the time to investigate your investigations, because I like many people have other things to do.
Your statement is exactly what the Lord is telling me is wrong with the Church and it’s leaders. They are all too busy in the business of Jesus and accepting useless theology to thoroughly examine the word of God. Being a follower of Jesus means dedicating your life to God. Every religious leader I have an exchange with is too busy to examine my conclusions. That being said, I can sort through facts and fiction in minutes, so maybe I am too hard on people.
God will call us both to account for all we have said and done, including your last comment.
I am Accountable to God every day and for everything I write and I try to do the best I can to follow.


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I check every vision against the written word of God but I ignore theology.

i don’t agree with that statement. You are downplaying what God referred to as the most complete prophecy ever written. You can’t ignore the importance of that. I’m surprised that in 27 years you haven’t examined it.

it predicts the full mission of Jesus and explains what will happen to the church of Jesus Christ. You should look at and examine my write up on it.

Your statement is exactly what the Lord is telling me is wrong with the Church and it’s leaders. They are all too busy in the business of Jesus and accepting useless theology to thoroughly examine the word of God. Being a follower of Jesus means dedicating your life to God. Every religious leader I have an exchange with is too busy to examine my conclusions. That being said, I can sort through facts and fiction in minutes, so maybe I am too hard on people.

I am Accountable to God every day and for everything I write and I try to do the best I can to follow.
Please tell me where your write-up about that prophecy is, and I'll examine it. What do you mean that you depend on your visions more than you do theology. The best theology is when it lets Scripture interpret Scripture instead of importing external ideas. That's the kind of theology I have used for 27 years (preaching) and 16 years (as an author). Please tell me what theology is "useless."


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Please tell me where your write-up about that prophecy is, and I'll examine it. What do you mean that you depend on your visions more than you do theology. The best theology is when it lets Scripture interpret Scripture instead of importing external ideas. That's the kind of theology I have used for 27 years (preaching) and 16 years (as an author). Please tell me what theology is "useless."
I can send you copies of my books if you want to go through my complete analysis--Gospels, Daniel, and Revelation, or I can start posting stuff from the beginning. There is some information that is off in the previous books but in general about 90% is correct. I've been in the process of reviewing it and cleaning it up. I've had some great guidance on what to write in this final book. I am not an author and don't really want to be. I have no desire to sell books or claim fame. I simply have a message to deliver. It's funny because as I was going through my analysis, one night the Lord had me stick out my tongue and bit down on it. Weird!!! The message was the Lord wanted me to shut up until he was ready for me to share. I think I'm ready to share now.

Let me know what you want me to do. Start posting or send you copies.


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Please tell me where your write-up about that prophecy is, and I'll examine it.
The best path forward is for me to start posting a daily update on my analysis and conclusions and for you to comment on and give your feedback.
What do you mean that you depend on your visions more than you do theology.
I trust my visions because some have come true, and the others that haven't come true have directed my in my analysis and conclusions. I used to refer to myself as Christian and follower of Jesus, but I was full of doubts because my expertise allowed me to see all the problems with the story of Jesus. My conclusions and expertise prove theology to be nonsense that God does not want in the Church.
The best theology is when it lets Scripture interpret Scripture instead of importing external ideas.
Theology is opinions and the word of God doesn't need opinions because it is all clearly spelled out.
That's the kind of theology I have used for 27 years (preaching) and 16 years (as an author). Please tell me what theology is "useless."
All theology is useless--from the Matthew, Mark, and Luke as authors, to the word of God coming from people who do not meet God's requirements spelled out in Deuteronomy. Also, the dating of the Gospels theology is nonsense because the words of Jesus and Revelation very clearly tells us when they were written and by whom. Jesus provided the disciples the Holy Spirit to make sure every word in the Gospels is the way God wanted it to be. I know this is the truth because the word of God says so, and I've been guided and directed to have every word I'm writing exactly the way the Holy Spirit wants me. I fail, like any human will, and many times I don't understand. I am not claiming to be a prophet, speaking for God, nor anything special. I try to follow where directed and pray then eventually the words come out and I see what God is trying to tell me. It's amazing and baffling at the same time.


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I can send you copies of my books if you want to go through my complete analysis--Gospels, Daniel, and Revelation, or I can start posting stuff from the beginning. There is some information that is off in the previous books but in general about 90% is correct. I've been in the process of reviewing it and cleaning it up. I've had some great guidance on what to write in this final book. I am not an author and don't really want to be. I have no desire to sell books or claim fame. I simply have a message to deliver. It's funny because as I was going through my analysis, one night the Lord had me stick out my tongue and bit down on it. Weird!!! The message was the Lord wanted me to shut up until he was ready for me to share. I think I'm ready to share now.

Let me know what you want me to do. Start posting or send you copies.
I will be interested if you would post summaries, because I don't spend a lot of time here. The reason is that God has called me and made me a published author of many books in my retirement from being a pastor, for which he keeps giving me ideas to fulfill in writing books for his honor.


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The best path forward is for me to start posting a daily update on my analysis and conclusions and for you to comment on and give your feedback.

I trust my visions because some have come true, and the others that haven't come true have directed my in my analysis and conclusions. I used to refer to myself as Christian and follower of Jesus, but I was full of doubts because my expertise allowed me to see all the problems with the story of Jesus. My conclusions and expertise prove theology to be nonsense that God does not want in the Church.

Theology is opinions and the word of God doesn't need opinions because it is all clearly spelled out.

All theology is useless--from the Matthew, Mark, and Luke as authors, to the word of God coming from people who do not meet God's requirements spelled out in Deuteronomy. Also, the dating of the Gospels theology is nonsense because the words of Jesus and Revelation very clearly tells us when they were written and by whom. Jesus provided the disciples the Holy Spirit to make sure every word in the Gospels is the way God wanted it to be. I know this is the truth because the word of God says so, and I've been guided and directed to have every word I'm writing exactly the way the Holy Spirit wants me. I fail, like any human will, and many times I don't understand. I am not claiming to be a prophet, speaking for God, nor anything special. I try to follow where directed and pray then eventually the words come out and I see what God is trying to tell me. It's amazing and baffling at the same time.
I have similar experiences every day when I write. I ask God where he wants the next chapter to go, and he pops the directions into my head as I write on my computer! I can't explain the process further than that.


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I will be interested if you would post summaries, because I don't spend a lot of time here. The reason is that God has called me and made me a published author of many books in my retirement from being a pastor, for which he keeps giving me ideas to fulfill in writing books for his honor.
That's exciting for you to feel God moving you that way. I'll start at the beginning of the investigation:

As my career and investigation skills developed, I tried to be thorough and unbiased in my analysis and conclusions. I approached my investigation into the Bible and story of Jesus in a similar manner. I was out to find the truth and at the end of my investigation I would be certain enough of my results to firmly stand behind them. I would have ‘faith’ in whatever I determined whether it be that I found the Bible and Jesus to be the truth or I found them to be fiction.

Very early in my analysis I found that believing in the Bible and the story of Jesus was a package deal—I could not believe in one or the other because they are intimately intertwined. The Old Testament (OT) pointed to a Messiah from God and the New Testament (NT) described how Jesus fulfilled the requirements for being the Messiah. I had a circular argument to deal with. The Bible pointed to Jesus and Jesus proved the Bible. In other words, one could not be true without the other—unless the world was still waiting for the Messiah to arrive. The Jews may subscribe to this belief, but it didn’t make sense to me. Why would God wait so long to provide a Messiah he promised thousands of years ago? Since waiting for a Messiah didn’t make sense, I concluded that if Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, there was no sense in considering the rest of the Bible to be proof of God’s presence in the world.

There are four Gospels in the NT of the Bible that present everything we know about Jesus. It didn’t take me long in the mid-1980s to find that the NT presented a lot of data about Jesus, but the sources of the data were questionable at best. As an example, the following summaries of the origins of each of the four Gospels is presented from my NIV study Bible:

Matthew: “Although the first Gospel is anonymous, the early church fathers were unanimous in holding that Matthew, one of the 12 apostles, was its author.”

Mark: “Although there is no direct internal evidence of authorship, it was the unanimous testimony of the early church that this Gospel was written by John Mark…”

Luke: “The author’s name does not appear in the book, but much internal and external evidence points to Luke.”

John: “The author is the apostle John, ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved.” … “He was prominent in the early church but not mentioned by name in this Gospel—which would be natural if he wrote it, but hard to explain otherwise.”

The Gospels may thoroughly describe the teaching, healing and famous miraculous works of Jesus, but I found the origins of the documentation to be questionable. Reading those summaries from the NIV it’s obvious why the comment “you just need to have faith” is so prominently mentioned as a requirement to be a Christian.

The stories of Jesus referred to as the Gospels reek of uncertainty. If you search through the Gospel history and trail of documentation, you will not find a connection between Jesus’ disciples and the early church fathers. Religious leaders and scholars supporting the Christian faith attempt to build a case, but it is an extremely weak one at best. Having anonymous Gospels with authors who are validated and verified by ‘early church fathers,’ is another way of saying there isn’t evidence to prove the story of Jesus to be true.
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That's exciting for you to feel God moving you that way. I'll start at the beginning of the investigation:

As my career and investigation skills developed, I tried to be thorough and unbiased in my analysis and conclusions. I approached my investigation into the Bible and story of Jesus in a similar manner. I was out to find the truth and at the end of my investigation I would be certain enough of my results to firmly stand behind them. I would have ‘faith’ in whatever I determined whether it be that I found the Bible and Jesus to be the truth or I found them to be fiction.

Very early in my analysis I found that believing in the Bible and the story of Jesus was a package deal—I could not believe in one or the other because they are intimately intertwined. The Old Testament (OT) pointed to a Messiah from God and the New Testament (NT) described how Jesus fulfilled the requirements for being the Messiah. I had a circular argument to deal with. The Bible pointed to Jesus and Jesus proved the Bible. In other words, one could not be true without the other—unless the world was still waiting for the Messiah to arrive. The Jews may subscribe to this belief, but it didn’t make sense to me. Why would God wait so long to provide a Messiah he promised thousands of years ago? Since waiting for a Messiah didn’t make sense, I concluded that if Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, there was no sense in considering the rest of the Bible to be proof of God’s presence in the world.

There are four Gospels in the NT of the Bible that present everything we know about Jesus. It didn’t take me long in the mid-1980s to find that the NT presented a lot of data about Jesus, but the sources of the data were questionable at best. As an example, the following summaries of the origins of each of the four Gospels is presented from my NIV study Bible:

Matthew: “Although the first Gospel is anonymous, the early church fathers were unanimous in holding that Matthew, one of the 12 apostles, was its author.”

Mark: “Although there is no direct internal evidence of authorship, it was the unanimous testimony of the early church that this Gospel was written by John Mark…”

Luke: “The author’s name does not appear in the book, but much internal and external evidence points to Luke.”

John: “The author is the apostle John, ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved.” … “He was prominent in the early church but not mentioned by name in this Gospel—which would be natural if he wrote it, but hard to explain otherwise.”

The Gospels may thoroughly describe the teaching, healing and famous miraculous works of Jesus, but I found the origins of the documentation to be questionable. Reading those summaries from the NIV it’s obvious why the comment “you just need to have faith” is so prominently mentioned as a requirement to be a Christian.

The stories of Jesus referred to as the Gospels reek of uncertainty. If you search through the Gospel history and trail of documentation, you will not find a connection between Jesus’ disciples and the early church fathers. Religious leaders and scholars supporting the Christian faith attempt to build a case, but it is an extremely weak one at best. Having anonymous Gospels with authors who are validated and verified by ‘early church fathers,’ is another way of saying there isn’t evidence to prove the story of Jesus to be true.
It's very interesting that you and I went through investigations about the truth of the Bible about Jesus. However, I accepted the unanimous opinions of the early church about the authorship of the gospels. If other people wrote those gospels, they would still be authentic because of the recorded historical details about Jesus, for example, of the writer of the Gospel of Luke's "orderly account" that he records:
Luk 1:1 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us,
Luk 1:2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us,
Luk 1:3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus,
Luk 1:4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.
In the light of this testimony, how can you say that "the Gospels reek of uncertainty"? The writer got his information from the "eyewitnesses and ministers of the word."


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Nov 19, 2024
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Acceptance of the Trinity & Nicene Creed
It's very interesting that you and I went through investigations about the truth of the Bible about Jesus. However, I accepted the unanimous opinions of the early church about the authorship of the gospels.
I'd be curious why you accepted it. But then again, we probably have much different backgrounds and expertise.
If other people wrote those gospels, they would still be authentic because of the recorded historical details about Jesus,
I consider the Gospels with the actual authors that I identified as completely authentic eyewitness testimony--in accordance with God's requirements specified in Deuteronomy 17:6 and 19:15. I am finishing up another round of analyzing the resurrection accounts and my findings are very interesting and prove there are valid resurrection accounts to prove Jesus as the Messiah and God.
for example, of the writer of the Gospel of Luke's "orderly account" that he records:
Luk 1:1 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us,
Luk 1:2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us,
Luk 1:3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus,
Luk 1:4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.
In the light of this testimony, how can you say that "the Gospels reek of uncertainty"? The writer got his information from the "eyewitnesses and ministers of the word."
Stating that you obtained information from eyewitnesses does not validate it unless of course you name the eyewitnesses and none are named in Luke or Acts. An analysis of Acts indicates that the sources are Peter, Philip, and Paul, because of identifiers in that book.

I don't consider Luke a valid Gospel, but what is interesting is that the resurrection account witnessed by the two men on the road, was likely taken from the Gospel of Matthew and put into Luke. I hope you find it strange that two men witnessed Jesus on the road for Jesus' second resurrection appearance--and only one of the men is named. That is beyond strange--it just wouldn't happen unless it was intentional. That resurrection story is validated through James 16:12-13, just like he validated the story of Mary Magdalene written by John.

If you have thoroughly tried to assemble the resurrection story, you will know what I mean about the Gospels "reek of uncertainty." There are numerous contradictions, but through the uncertainty, the truth can be found--thanks to the Holy Spirit ensuring certain words were captured and stood the test of time.
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