Thanks, but again, I wasn't really questioning the HOW of God's workings, but the WHEN of the transformation, from wafer to body of Christ.
I understand these are difficult questions for us all, and I'm not intending to be judgemental, critical, insulting in asking, and if I come across seeming that way, I apologize. Some of it does seem a little far out to me, personally, but what do I know, and sometimes I feel like the more I learn, the less I know, and that's in life in general, and sometimes in Christ/church too.
But we're called to grow in grace, and the knowledge of Jesus, and these things are all part of helping me learn and grow. I find it interesting how different meanings/traditions have sprung out concerning what some call the taking of communion.
So, if for now, to avoid any debate on it, we just say that it's some sort of miracle, and the wafer is transformed into the physical body and blood, or the spiritual, or both, let's just say it's so for now, my question was WHEN does this take place, whether in RC, Lutheran, or some other churches. Is it before or during the services, or just always is, (which I guess now that I think of, wouldn't make sense).
And I just realized that with all the 'convos' I've had with JW's at the door and elsewhere, I've never asked what their view is on this subject.
I guess I could just read things on the net, but Jesus also calls us to reason together, fellowship, pray, encourage each other in the faith, come into unity as saved believers in Him, and let brotherly love continue.
So how we see, understand, and partake of some of these traditions or religious things may be important in achieving that. Or maybe not so much, idk, that's what I'm hoping to learn.