1. With all due respect.... as one with a Ph.D. in Physics.... I entirely lack your faith in science.
2. With all due respect, I consider people (most of all, me) to be incredibly stupid... with puny, fallen brains... no match for God. And I recall the verse, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, My ways not your ways."
3. I agree that WE (that's all 2.2 billion Christians currently alive along with billions now in heaven) can INTERPRET God's written word. I don't think we can deny or replace it. And I DO think we puny, stupid people sometimes IMPOSE our perspectives, assumptions and worldviews upon His Word (I've already posted at length to you about this and how it impacts science and the Bible), but again, "interpretation" of His word is permitted.... denying it isn't.
4. I again convey that I think you are confusing what many LCMS think with what you as an LCMS member must think. They aren't the same thing. At Confirmation, you indicate you agree with Luther's Small Catechism, not with every resolution of every meeting of the LCMS or with every opinion of every LCMS member.