No one said they did. We agree that Jesus is the (one, only, all-sufficient) Savior.
Where we seem to disagree is that I don't think God is rendered impotent by water or by obedience or by age (or to the point of the thread, whether one is conscience or not). God could raise Lazarus to life so I don't see how God is too weak to raise a baby to life. God can use a spit ball to perform a miracle, I don't see how God is rendered impotent by water.
Of course, your point ALSO means that parents bringing you to Sunday School and church, parents teaching you to pray, parents singing Christian songs to you, parents teaching you the Gospel - NONE of that had ANYTHING to do with you coming to faith. You realize your point includes all that, too.
Well, God brought John the Baptist to faith before he was even born, so God doesn't need anyone to attain the age of X or the IQ of X or the presentation of the Word either. But where I disagree with you is just because God CAN give faith purely by fiat with NO MEANS WHATSOEVER and no action by anyone whatsoever, does NOT mean that ergo God is rendered impotent if there is any means or any action involved.
So, you are quite upset with the whole Great Commission..... I see.
Are you angry at your parents, Sunday School teachers, pastors too? Are you angry because they shared God's love with you, shared the Gospel with you, even took you to Sunday School and church because then human action was involved, means were involved - thus rendered God impotent? How, pray tell, did God manage to give you faith inspite of all those sinful, terrible, bad things your parents and others DID, because they applies MEANS to you - and didn't just be totally quiet and still and raise you in a total vacuum so that God could save you without being made impotent?
I think you must be very mad at your parents, Sunday School teachers, pastors.... Are you equally mad at evangelists and missionaries? Do you stand at the door to your church and Sunday School to demand that all enter are already Christians lest God be rendered impotent to save because the Means of Grace will be fully employed here, there's human action here?
- Josiah