To Me....
1. Yeah, we have a classic "she says, he says". Both seem sincere; I suspect both are telling the "truth" as they remember. But people OFTEN sincerely recall things wrongly and testify wrongly - happens in nearly every court case. Science has proven how easily this happens (my sister does research into this). Memories are surprisingly malable.
2. Under the Rule of Law, the accused is innocent until proven to be guilty. While this often places the accuser at a significant disadvantage, it is CRITICAL to the legal system and without it, we have no Rule of Law.
3. Ms. Ford's version has been discredited by several, who have sworn testimony that Kavenaugh wasn't even there. She has not presented even ONE who will testify that he was even there, much less that this happened. She evidently does have some who say he got pretty drunk when he was a teen, but that doesn't make him guilty of this event. She specifically mention one witness who saw the whole thing, mentioned him by name, he testified it never happened. Ms. Ford was unable to present one witness, one piece of ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to substantiate this. Nothing. While Kavanaugh has a long list of people testifying under oath he wasn't even there. IMO, this breaks the "she says, he says."
4. This supposedly happened 36 years ago then Ms. Ford was 15 and attending a drunken teen party and Kavanaugh was 17. They were teens, she admitting to being where she should not have been and to drinking (which should say WHAT about HER character 36 years ago?). There is a presumption she (and the press) are making that one's maturity, responsibility and sexual practices are IDENTICAL forever.... that it is manditory that Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford's character, morality, maturity and interpersonal relationships are IDENTICAL now as when they were 15 and 17. I wonder about that assumption..... and why that says NOTHING about Ms. Ford.
5. The Dems SAT on all this for SIX WEEKS.... saying nothing in the hearings, saying nothing to Kavanaugh, saying nothing about the need to investigate. Senator Feinstein made the ABSURD point that she wanted to protect Ms. Ford's confidentiality; it's ABSURD because Congress OFTEN meets in closed sesson, at times to discuss TOP SECRET things and personal confidentialities (happens a LOT) and so everyone knows, Feinstein could have presented all this in closed, confidential session... could have asked for an investigation, etc., etc.... SIX WEEKS before she said anything. NONE OF THIS mattered a bit until the 12th hour when it was clear Kavanaugh had the votes to get confirmed... and then BIG PUBLIC SHOW and all this juicy teen sex stuff. The Dems will scream this is being rushed, they need more time - but who STALLED for SIX WEEKS on this? They scream about how sad it is for Ms. Ford to have to be so public, but they could have done this in closed session. Clearly this is nothing but a stall tactic.... and one can't help but fear that Ms. Ford is being used by the Dems here (although I hope not intentionally).
6. The hypocrisy STINKS. The Dems (and Senator Feinstein and Ms Clinton) - some of the same senators involved now - all insisted that what those 8 women who alleged the PRESIDENT CLINTON did was ... not to be believed and had no relevance to his job as President. Hilary threw all those women under the bus. The Dems all argued that there was NOTHING to substantiate these women and that it had no relevance to the PRESIDENTS performance in his job. After all, these happened MONTHS ago.... the accusers were adults and sober.... and it happened (in some cases) in the White House so it's just not relevant or credible. Hum..... but ONE woman, who was 15 and drunk and at a party she should not have been at, 36 years ago, accusing a boy of doing FAR LESS than what Clinton ultimately admitted to doing (not that any cared).... for an office less than PRESIDENT... that's super relevant and that woman is to be believed no matter what. Hum..... Can you spell hypocrisy?