I have a terrier mix that I rescued a year ago and the dog is wonderful. He is about 9 or 10 we dont know for sure and yes he is like family to me. I think that this dog has done more for me than I ever did for it. Wouldnt be without him
It seems that a hot button topic is same sex marriage. I am curuious how others view this. My personal view is that it between a man and a woman and that same sex is sinful and against Gods word
I think that the biggest lie of satan is once saved always saved. I believe that Hebrews 6 addresses this although I know that universalists will interpret it their own way. We have free will and are given choice so it is not God but the ones who choose not to follow believe in Jesus or fall...
I agree with evil spirits and do not believe in ghosts either, that being said it is better to avoid such places unless you are prepared to do spiritual warfare.
For me it represents states rights and the loss of them, has nothingh to do with race for me, that being said I would hesitate to fly it now knowing how so many view it
I would like to see a Thocracy as for which is best it has to be the one that gives the most individual freedom and has the least amount of government interference