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  1. M

    Free from the Law, oh blessed condition! I can sin as I please and still have remission.

    The Grace Controversy 9:30AM EDT 5/3/2016=authors']Michael Brown What is grace? When I began to address the error of hypergrace several years ago, hardly a day would go by without me hearing from people who had been deeply hurt by the message. At the same time, I would consistently hear from...
  2. M

    Free from the Law, oh blessed condition! I can sin as I please and still have remission.

    No he says this: Jews are the the primary target audience of the epistle to Hebrews. (Heb 1:1-2) So then, you Christians out there be careful with passages like this one: ● Heb 10:26 . . If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for...
  3. M

    Free from the Law, oh blessed condition! I can sin as I please and still have remission.

    If that's true you can go marry someone of the same sex and never repent, cause we're saved by grace or regularly do a neighbourhood shooting, cause our future sins are forgiven. I think that goes too far and often the ones who say that do keep the law. They may have sin they struggle with but...
  4. M

    Error in the Bible

    There was once a t missing in a Dutch Bible I had. That reminds me. A preacher once said: this and that is in my Bible and everyone looked at him puzzled, cause nobody had ever heard of that text. He said: It's there. It's in my Bible. I wrote it in it. Funny pants.
  5. M

    “Stay out of marriage”

    Stay out of marriage? Hadn't heard that one. May be good for some whose ex want to steal the kids for money, but it's bad for the ones who had the ex leave and now not paying either and then it's not a marriage if it's not legal, so it's easier to leave if you have enough of it. Just like dating.
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    Free from the Law, oh blessed condition! I can sin as I please and still have remission.

    I once saw a comment from a Messianic Jewish woman who asked something like: but are those gentile christians really saved? They eat pork. They don't keep the Sabbath. She was really worried and I was like: What? This exists?
  7. M

    Do you own an ugly Christmas sweater?

    No but I should, cause they always have an ugly sweater contest at work.
  8. M

    Pet Owners:

    Normally not but we have one shop with really cheap stuff and they had a dog basket for 6 euro or so and I bought that for my rabbit.
  9. M

    Forgetting so much of your bible studies

    Always after the end of the sermon I was like: What was it about? And had no idea. And then years later someone asked a question and I explained it and was like: hey I remember what it was about!
  10. M

    Christmas Parties

    Aww they were just afraid to get sick. My dad sent me a mail in 2020 with: You're all not welcome here. Greetings your unsympathetic dad. I thought it was hilarious. We just video chatted instead. Then we got vaccinated and still oeh aah dangerous, but eventually we could come over with a mouth...
  11. M

    What to get an elderly parent?

    A bunch of flowers or a plant, chocolate and my dad always loved to get tools when I was a kid and I just saw this in the store. Maybe he likes that? What an awesome present. Why didn't they sell that earlier?
  12. M

    Alternative to coffee?

    Chocolate milk. I like it better than coffee. And tea of course, but I drink that the whole day through. Now cinnamon and orange tea.
  13. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    Oh that reminds me. I forgot one. Bored Panda. They changed it now, but it used to be that if 10 or more people disliked one post you made you got an automatic ban, because they had scammers and trolls, but just anyone could get a ban for making a joke they didn't get or saying abortion was bad...
  14. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    I got a warning on a christian forum for helping a guy who wanted to commit suicide. They can go climb a tree with those stupid rules. That was also why I believed they were atheist trolls. They would have banned Jesus from that forum for not keeping the rules.
  15. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    That's why I gave one guy my account.
  16. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    And the winner is... Good old times with Bookwornworm or what was it. Then I also made a stalk account and a woman said: Watch out. You don't know who that is. It may be a dangerous person. Aaaaaah! I was really scared LOL.
  17. M

    Was it easy for you to talk to your kids about Jesus?

    Yes. I had a toddler Bible I read for em and the eldest asked loads of questions when he was 4 and 5, which was fun, because atheists on forums asked the exact same questions, but wouldn't accept my answers, but he LOL mommy was the all knowing oracle that age, so he just accepted it all.
  18. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    No lol that was just some weird conspiracy thing I found. But some were so extreme. I really thought: they're trolling, cause this cannot be. Well apparently it could. Why I believed it was because on that Dutch forum an atheist from the atheist forum pretended to be an extreme christian, cause...
  19. M

    How many forums have you been banned from?

    Christian forums because I read somewhere that the mods were atheist trolls and then I started to warn everyone, so they banned me. Christian chat forums because they banned Snerf and I stood up for him, but it was forbidden to talk about bans. Credible, a Dutch forum, because they banned a guy...
  20. M

    Is True Love biblical ? The bible says about finding True Love ?

    No but that's because they're spoiled rotten. My mother thought it was just normal, basic that my dad always provided for her. Well I think it's amazing. I never found a guy who wanted to get up and work to make money for me. One wrote me a love song, but when I wanted to marry him he said: oh...
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