You are correct to assert that with God everything is possible.
But that IS the issue. The very issue of this thread.
We seem to have a strong, passionate group here who proclaim NOT all things possible with God. The issue you raised, obviously, is not which of the common understandings of the Eucharistic texts one might individually embrace (we've had that discussion in other threads; including one I started). THIS discussion is about whether Jesus CAN be present in the Eucharist... His Body and Blood. CAN is the sole, singular, exclusive issue here.
And I admit I was shocked (and dismayed) by the response of many. It seems a LOT of Christians (probably 100% before 1500 and the vast majority now) are "stupid" to quote one poster..... "stupid" to think that it's possible that Jesus and Paul fully meant the "is" they stated. Why? Why CAN"T it be? Why CAN'T "is" mean "is" in the usual sense, the sense that is the case 99+% of the time? We've read: because their understanding of physics disallows it, the possiblility doesn't "cuts it", doesn't allow it, it can't be true according to their understanding of physics. THAT last part is the only part I've replied to.... I see that rubric as profoundly dangerous and deeply disturbing. It's (almost verbatim) what my strongly agnostic anti-Christian coworker says: Science trumps Scripture.... if the Bible says something that doesn't jibe with physics, it ain't true.
MoreCoffee said:
Jesus said "this is my body"
EXACTLY! Now, one can choose to think He's using a metaphor but of course that's not the issue here, the only issue we're discussing is whether it CAN be as Jesus said.... or is this impossible with God.
And if the position is taken (as some have) that "is" often indicates things not possible (physics doesn't confirm it as possible; indeed, physics may have problems with it), then, I've asked, what happens to Jesus IS risen? Jesus IS God? Jesus IS the Savior? What even happens to God IS Triune, the Scripture IS true, God IS Creator, etc. - after all "is" means "is not actually" if it's not possible in terms of science. I just found that whole argument deeply disturbing....
MoreCoffee said:
Jesus said can be true even if it appears to contradict a theory about physics and even if it upsets your senses of taste, sight, touch, and smell.
For centuries, Christians spoke of MYSTERIES..... Scripture calls on us to be caretakers of the MYSTERIES of God..... Truth is NOT subject to anyone's understanding of what CAN be and CAN'T be according to the current understanding of physics. To read, "Jesus CANNOT be in Communion because He can't be in more than one place" is just part of what began to happen in Christianity long ago.... and became popular in the Enlightenment... and has stealthfully made it's way into a lot of Christian communities... This "my understanding of science trumps what God says" is a real Pandora's Box... and the result of it is easy to see (as a scientist, I live with it all around me).
"Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe" MYSTERY, not one's own understanding of physics. FAITH, not God subjected to what one's view of science says is possible or just stupid.
- Josiah