Alright.... the larger issue here....
"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
We see this among those who are (or feel they are) POWERFUL because of their wealth, their fame, their control, their position/job. We see it among businessmen, entertainers, politicians, even clergymen and denominations. We can see it among school teachers, scout leaders, youth ministers. Even among physicians and psychologists. Even parents.
People realize their POWER/CONTROL is so great they frankly are going to get away with it. AND people MAY even willingly submit and not even report it. And even if they do, they have the POWER to shut them up or control the process to get away scot free. They do because they can. Their POWER empowers it.
Think Bill Clinton. Think Bill Cosby. Think all those Catholic priests doing disgusting, horrible things to innocent little Catholic boys. SADLY, tragically, horribly, there are SO many examples. Those so powerful they think they can get away with it.... and often they are right. And I suspect every one that gets caught, there are MANY who did not. Bosses at work..... medical doctors..... teachers..... boy scout leaders.... ministers/youth workers.... as well as the bigger profile persons known to all. It can go all the way to the top (read about Pope Alexander VI for just one example). They DO because they CAN. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I don't know about Bill O'Reilly or Bill Crosby.... and as I posted earlier, I hold to the Rule of Law and thus a person is innocent until proven guilty. I reject a person is guilty IF it is opinioned that they are; I think facts matter rather than accusations and feelings. On the other hand, those with great power have great opportunity - and I think men (and women) of low character likely will abuse others with it; lording it over them (at times, with the victim willingly cooperating simply to be associated with the rich/famous/powerful - think Monica Lewinski). It's disgusting.
And yes.... there are those who will CLAIM horrible things BECAUSE of the deep pockets these people have. These are people who cannot afford the defaming and will pay richly to avoid it - and there are disgusting, horrible people who will attempt to destroy character in hopes of making themselves more powerful. Their ACCUSATION gives them enormous power - power to destroy. And if the accusation is sexual in nature, they are virtually GUARENTEED to get lots of publicity, lots of attention, lots of power. It's disgusting.
My half cent.
- Josiah