Snerfle, Post #5 on Page 1:
Pedrito requests clarification regarding what “but without confusion of contexts” means.
Snerfle would love to answer and even converse in depth with Pedrito, but is noticing a pattern that only if his answers/replies are deemed acceptable will they remain, otherwise he's simply wasting much time, effort and sincere thought, because he struggles to type on a touchscreen tablet, has been having eyesight struggles, and struggles to put his thoughts into the printed word so that they wont be twisted and result in either false accusations, riricules, or confiscations.
This reply itself without typos, I hope, took easy 15 minutes.
In short, though, the wording of the OP Q leaves way too much wiggle room to give a concise, pat answer, and when discussing 'knowing the end from the beginning' it's important to keep prophetic teachings in context. There are many eschatological positions that well-meaning ppl arrive at when reading scripture, but the OP seems to imply only two responses are possible if one thinks he knows the end from the beginning. And maybe that's all there are, what do you think? GBU. Make that 25 minutes.