You stepped up into that forum shining the light of love and the enemy had to flee! HA! Praise God sis. Yes that was your duty! LOL!:rotfl:
Yes, Lämm did good, but can we expect any less? She makes it great to be here, knowing she's running the show so well while taking that kind of stand for Jesus.
You feel that way because you have not forgiven yourself of your sin. That is sometimes hard to do, especially when the enemy pushes guilt on you. But the word of God says you are forgiven. It says if you confess your sin, He is faithful to forgive you of your sin and faithful also to cleanse you of all unrighteousness. The enemy wants you to feel worthless , but Lord Jesus thinks you are so valuable that you are to die for. How can you think less of yourself than God thinks of you? As far as the East is from the West has He placed your sin. He is your Heavenly Father. He loves you.
Yes you know, I know that, ... I know it's true, and I'm often saying that to others, ... even to some folks who continually doubt my sincerity, and even accuse me ... (Of what, I'm not sure, what would be my motivation to tell someone Jesus loves you and paid for your sins, except the love of God and His truth, however feebly I may grasp or try to share it?) It sure would be easier to just withdraw any hand of friendship and say 'you know what...' to the persons.....
But as for myself, though, I really don't hear what you said it very often at all, not in a personal sense, really, and I do struggle with applying to myself those truths ..... Plus, I know (not fully, but enough) of my own depravity, (like Paul said, wretched man that I am), and the struggles I have, even as a christian, that it's just hard to think of myself in any other way ... It's hard to accept a gift I know I don't deserve, but I know I don't stand on my own righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ, ..... still, it's nice to hear that reminder and encouragement of reassurance, so thank you. Very much.