Couldnt find my keys in the mess this morning, searched half an hour, useless, 15 mins too late for the appointment at the office. Now my brother comes to save me and drive there for an hour with the extra keys. Left earlier because I just read an email that the kids get their diploma in 2 weeks and now they have to swim with swim shoes, but my mall doesnt have them so I bought them in the city where I work. Had to walk quick to catch the train, doors were closing, but I just propped myself in there. We had another meeting with collegues. How was 2016? One guy, just this weekend his friend attacked his wife and tried to commit suicide. She set him an ultimatum. Only see her kid and not his other kid and ex. He was arrested and this collegue got a call that he sent his 10 year old son a fare well letter and he had to drive there wondering if he was still alive. He was still shaking. He said I was so happy he got arrested because at least he lives. So I cheered him up. Train is crowded but the bus was worse. You couldnt even hold a thing so I fell on everyone and one girl gave me an arm lol.