Which is great from a theological perspective but still doesn't answer the question at hand. Just about anything can be addictive yet we don't ban all of them. Alcohol can be addictive, tobacco can be addictive, adrenaline can be addictive, food can be addictive, work can be addictive. Should we require anyone caught drinking a beer, or getting an adrenaline buzz from a fast descent on a mountain bike, or someone who works 85 hours a week, to be given a choice between treatment or prison?
I obviously won't dispute that things fill the hole where God should be. The sad reality is that many people don't have God in that hole, there's no point even attempting to legally mandate people turning to God to solve their problems, so we still have to consider how best to deal with the clearly observable situation that despite the laws on the books and untold amounts of money thrown at the problem drugs are still out there and people are still using them.