The great thing about life is that you don't have to stop at one! When I was in high school, I wanted to be a social worker and work in adoptions. But I did not like school much, and I did not want to move away from my hometown to attend college for 4 years, so I didn't. I worked as a cashier. Then later as a secretary, clerk, receptionist, data entry clerk.... then I had my son and my husband ran away from home. I needed to support my son so I went into nursing and worked in long term care. Then I had an accident and had to retrain - I retrained as medical office assistant and then nursing unit clerk, but it was not for me, so I decided on spa management. I loved that! Then my ex broke my hand and I lost all my clients. By that time I was 40 and figured it was time to get my life together. I moved away and became a social worker. Since then, I have worked in child protection, for the MS Society, in employment readiness, and now I teach a parenting program.
Just today I found out my union is going to sponsor me to go for a post-degree diploma in mental health and addictions. I start in September. Full time work, full time's going to be busy, but I am excited about it!