you haven't given any direct unambiguous scripture to support sprinkling.
You haven't given
"any direct unambiguous scripture" to mandate dunking.
I don't know of any verse that states, "Thou shalt administer Baptism by means of ______________ and art forbidden to administer it otherwise." If you know of that verse, please verbatim quote it.
What I find.... interesting.... is that the same folks that MANDATE a particular method of administration in Baptism are the very same folks who INSIST that Communion can be administered any way you want ("the HOW does NOT matter!").... Welch's Grape Juice, Weber's White Bread, little cups, passed around, a few times a year.... because "it doesn't matter HOW you do it!!!!" and "it's WRONG to make practice into law!!!!" And the very same folks that insist Baptism can NOT be Baptism unless at least 2.34 gallons of water are involved turn around and insist that doesn't matter how much wine is received (or even if it is wine) or how much white bread is to be received (or even if it is white bread). And the same folks who insist that ONLY those over the age of X and who had recited the "Sinner's Prayer" and adequately responded to an "Altar Call" may be baptized turn around and insist that ALL may receive Communion. Interesting.
Since you insist that OTHERS must have verbatim
"direct unambiguous scripture" in order to do something, then friend - where is YOUR
direct unambiguous scripture" for dunking? For posting on the internet? For having youth groups?
For using electricity? For passing around grape juice and Weber's bread to all who want it?
- Josiah