What points have you made, besides none at all? I'm very sorry, tango, but you are acting like a liberal when you insist on bringing in people who will cause the deaths of innocent Americans.
And you are being very silly in pretending that we are defining a billion people as terrorists. Everyone knows that the great majority of them are peace loving people. But that does not mean we are inebriated, as you are, with the idea that it is okay to kill a few innocent Americans just to prove that you are not prejudiced.
Of course, every single Muslim is a bloodthirsty terrorist, how silly of me to forget. Except the ones that aren't, of course. Like the Muslim who runs the hardware store up the road from where I used to live. He managed to sell me all sorts of innocent items but sadly forgot he was supposed to kill me. Or the Muslim neighbors I had who invited me into their house when I locked myself out of my own, and made me a cup of tea. They didn't even have the basic decency to behead me while I was there. Or the Muslims I worked with for years who managed to attend an office in the capital city of the little Satan and forgot to blow us all up while they were there.
How silly of me to overlook the fact that all Muslims are terrorists despite the inconvenient fact that it's just not true. But hey, you keep taking your information from Fox News, or wherever it is you're getting it from, because your description of Muslims as an amorphous mass doesn't seem to align too well with reality. The fact they largely have brown skin and beards (the men at least, Muslim women don't grow beards any more than any other woman) doesn't change the fact that there are differences between Muslims just as there are differences between Christians and Hindus and Buddhists and Pastafarians and Zoroastrians and, well, you probably get the idea.
Hey, since it's obviously so important to make sure nobody is exposed to any threat at all, maybe we should stop men from entering the country? You know, we couldn't be having American women facing an increased risk of rape just to prove we weren't sexist as a nation could we? What about Christians? They might be the type to blow up abortion clinics or indoctrinate young minds against the creeping advance of secularism. Best keep those dodgy types out. Let's just close the borders while we're at it, you know, just to be safe.
Did you look over the statistics I posted? You're more likely to be killed in a car crash than killed by a terrorist. Shall we take all the cars off the roads? Better safe than sorry, right? What was the thread topic again? Oh yes, fear and ignorance. How very appropriate.
It is your type of thinking that killed almost 3,000 people on 9/11. And it is your kind of thinking that is causing us to lose the war on terror. In this regard, you are absolutely no different than Obama, who is the worst abomination of a president that the USA has ever had.
You are really off the rails, my friend, and have no way of recognizing it.
Really? I had no idea I had any responsibility for the actions of a couple of dozen men. Was I responsible for Columbine and for Timothy McVeigh as well? I never knew a bit of free thinking could cause such chaos. Maybe I should go turn myself in to the nearest police station. But wait, Columbine wasn't caused by Muslims and Timothy McVeigh - wasn't he a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, all-American boy? Say, maybe terrorism is more complex than rounding up young men with brown skin and beards. Whoda thunkit?
It's good to know I'm no different to Obama. Except for my skin color, my political outlook, my economic outlook, well, quite a few things actually. He's the same gender and the same species which, given your tendency to lump as many people as you can into an amorphous mass, probably does count as me being "just like him". But hey, you're a male human as well so maybe you're just like him too? Bet you never saw that one coming, eh?
If I'm so far off the rails you could always put forward a suggestion as to how to protect a country from threats without taking to extreme measures. You know, like how to determine who is dangerous with a little more sophisticated methodology than "brown skin and beard bad, white skin and no beard good". Otherwise what happens when a radicalised Western Muslim with white skin shaves off his beard to trick immigration and does something drastic? But hey, he doesn't have brown skin, or a beard, or a towel on his head, so he must be OK, right?