And you will now denounce me for using the title "Bible" since God never used that word in the Scriptures, either.
I find it remarkable to see posters stating the two affirmations here are TRUE and BIBLICAL (Mary bore Jesus and Jesus is divine - God) and then insisting the very things they just said are true are therefore wrong, false, blasphemy. Amazing. Incredible.
You seem to want to insist that Scripture is wrong all those times it refers to JESUS as "GOD." Your point here seems to be He must be called by ALL the things that apply to him, not just one aspect, so that we may ONLY refer to Him as "God, Man, Hebrew, Male, Middle-Aged, from Galilee, etc., etc., etc. " To just state one aspect (albeit the most important one) you seem to insist is wrong, including all the times Scripture does what you condemn (Scripture NEVER uses ALL the aspects of Jesus when referring to Him). So, I take it you would denounce when the news refers to Mr. Obama as PRESIDENT Obama since he is not ONLY EXCLUSIVE president - he is also a man, a husband, a father, a lawyer, a citizen, a licensed car driver, a college graduate, a golfer - your whole point seems to be because Jesus is not ONLY God we cannot call Him "GOD." So I'm sure you never refer to Obama as PRESIDENT Obama since he is not ONLY the president. Do you denounce all those who use that title for Obama with the same zeal you denounce calling Jesus "GOD", do you insist it's "wrong" and "false" to call him PRESIDENT Obama? Your point is silly.... and one you don't accept so why should we?
So, Scripture is wrong to refer to JESUS as "Lord" too? Blasphemy to refer to Mary as the "Mother of the Lord?" So, you denounce Scripture, St. Luke and Elizebeth in Luke 1:43 when she refers to Mary as "the mother of my LORD." Scripture says Mary is the "Mother" of the "LORD." Is Scripture here thus blasphemy, wrong, false? Was Elizabeth speaking from the devil, was some demon speaking heresy and blasphemy through Elizabeth in Luke 1:43? Do you denounce and repudiate Luke 1:43 for calling Mary the "Mother of the Lord?" Rebuking Scripture there?