The woman transforms over time. She starts out pure as Jesus and the disciples starting the CJC, then becomes corrupted. The Church never becomes like Jesus again. It is always corrupted (theology, the words of other who can't speak for God, the business of the church, etc.). Consider the woman ends up being called the "Mother of all Prostitutes." The woman started out as the beast then when the church split from the Catholics, what came from the Catholics is not pure. Babylon is a reference to the Church in its entirety. A place that Jesus is not proud of. Note that this is not a reference to sincere followers of Jesus searching for the truth. Are there Churches that follow Jesus and only Jesus without regard to business, possessions, and numbers attending? I can't answer that, but I haven't been to one yet.
The false teachers hid Nicodemus--it is a fraud, and people committing it want it hidden. The proof for Nicodemus has to be assembled. Separate the independent material from what is copied and take a look at what the author wrote. Also, I hope you find it peculiar that John recorded Nicodemus being challenged by his fellow Pharisees to investigate Jesus--then what was written is missing!
Deuteronomy was the only specification for specifying who was validated and verified as being able to speak the word of God. Tag--you're it. If you can find something else, I'd gladly take a look at it with you. But honestly, what more guidance is needed?
I agree, but I try not to make assumptions--I follow the data. Please be specific if I've made an assumption I'll address it.
I'm not a student of theology--I'm an investigator with a proven great track record of solving difficult issues and problems. My ability to perform an independent and unbiased investigation was hampered by the theology I had heard that hid the truth from me on occasion. I'm asking you to focus only on the word of God. Dwell on it, pray, and read each word carefully and liberally apply the smell test. Does what your finding make sense and fit in with the rest of the message from God.
(1) I am a member of one such church, a huge, growing one that sticks very closely to the Bible and is built on the Bible, prayer, and small groups. So, you think that Jezebel, Babylon, and the new Jerusalem are the same woman?? That doesn't make any sense, if true.
(2) Where is clear evidence that the false teachers "hid Nicodemus"? That passage just shows that the rest of the Pharisees said he won't find that a prophet doesn't ever come from Galilee, if he would look through the Old Testament. They didn't expect him to do a word study.
(3) 1Sa_15:10 The word of the LORD came to Samuel:
2Sa_7:4 But that same night the word of the LORD came to Nathan
2Sa_23:2 “The Spirit of the LORD speaks by me; his word is on my tongue.
2Sa_24:11 And when David arose in the morning, the word of the LORD came to the prophet Gad, David's seer, saying,
Isa_38:4 Then the word of the LORD came to Isaiah:
Isa_39:5 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the word of the LORD of hosts:
In the instances of the "word of the LORD," the messages were sometimes very short statements about a person's conduct like Nathan's to David about his adultery and murder, not predictions about the future. How would your rather-narrow definition fit it? Prophets shared God's Word in those days; sometimes it included predictions, sometimes not. Perhaps, you might do more word studies. I use the free program
e-sword for word and passage searching.
(4) Applying the "smell test" would be my deductions and my reasoning, not the Bible revealing its own truths on its own terms, which is what I always seek. Many conservative Christians and preachers do the same thing, including our church's members and preachers.