I'm a ZERO expert on this subject, so I'm just "taking in my hat" (whatever the origin of that saying)....
Two things come to my (mostly ignorant) mind on this...
1. It seems to ME that Russia is doing JUST ENOUGH to keep the war going... wearing out the NATO support for Ukraine, hoping to win simply by keeping it up long enough to get whatever it wants. Russia has never been the military power it has claimed but clearly it COULD quickly win this (heck the mere hint of using nukes would do it) but this is the slowest, mildest war I've ever seen. Russia seems to be dragging it out.... and already the USA is complaining about the HUGE, HUGE amount of money we're pouring into this.
2. Vietnam was before my time but every time the Ukraine war comes up, I think of the Vietnam war. A corrupt nation that America (and some other countries) poured into it HUGE amounts of money and blood - all in the name of reigning in China and Russia. It went on and on and on and on, the cost HUGE on every front, never actually winning until finally the Viet Cong wore us out and easily took the country (now it's a major trading partner, we get LOTS of stuff from there - go figure). Did we learn anything from the Vietnam War?
I have no suggestion as to what to do.... I just suspect Russia will win whatever it wants to win simply by dragging this out and wearing us out, draining finances and support.