My watch suggested another threshold level workout, but this time the interval I was suggested to run at threshold pace was long enough to cover a little over 5k. I'd been thinking about making an attack on my 5k personal best for a while now, so thought I'd do that. I hadn't got very far into the warmup section when I decided the wind was cold so rerouted, but felt pretty strong and decided to go for it. Having rerouted meant I had more hills than in the route I'd originally planned but that was OK. The first ones were fine, I overegged it a little on a couple of them and had to walk for a bit, but still managed to take a nice chunk off my 5k personal best. Now I'm within less than 30 seconds of my all-time personal best, that I set on a treadmill 20 years ago. If I chose a different route I could probably shave off those 30 seconds and maybe more.