I have to wonder how ordinary Germans who lived through the Hitler era, war, and invasion by the Russians as well as the US and UK would have evaluated your perspective.
After all, the Germans were Christians in the main and knew that the kingdoms of this world would pass away sooner or later, so if everything that happened to them and their countrymen during those dark days might have been averted, would they say it really didn't matter one way or the other?
The German people were brainwashed and those who weren't brainwashed were bullied into following Hitler. Yet, you can still find plenty of examples of Christian's living out their faith in Nazi Germany. Either by helping Jews by hiding them or helping them escape or other acts of love and compassion.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is probably the most famous because of his writings and public opposition to Hitler's killing handicapped and mentally ill people. Those faithful Christians understood that their faithfulness to God and His Kingdom was more important than being a German or what happened to the German government.
If America becomes an oppressive regime then I pray that I have the faith of those faithful Germans, who risked their life serving God and showing His love toward others.
My point is not that politics isn't important. It is that "Kingdom Citizenship" transcends whatever government is in power. If the government is friendly to Christians then great, we will take that opportunity to preach, teach, and live out our faith in Christ. If the government is hostile to Christians the we still preach, teach and live out our faith in Christ. Living out that faith may mean publicly calling out the government knowing that we will likely be jailed or killed, which is what Bonhoeffer did in Germany.
So yes, Go vote and hope the party of your choice wins. But also understand that if they lose the Kingdom of God will still go on forever. And that ultimately, the eternal Kingdom of God will last forever and the temporal kingdoms of this world we be no more.