Why I'm Pro-Life.
There are many reasons, but I'll keep it to just 4 points. They follow:
There is MUCH talk these days about "follow the science.’ “I just say what science does,” they insist. Well, as once was said, "To claim that a fetus is a human IF the mother wants it but not if the mother doesn't isn't science." I agree. IF that "whatever" is there the day before birth is NOT a human being, a homo sapiens, then what is "it?" A cockroach? A butterfly? What does science say the species is? I’m not a biologist (my doctorate is not in that field) but when I see the ultrasound of a cute little baby sucking her thumb, it just seems to me there's a baby there. And when the mother has a baby shower, a gender reveal party, when she shares pictures of the ultrasound, it seems to me SHE thinks so, too. To ME, defining species by whether such is "wanted" or not isn’t science at all. To me, to agree that that one I’m looking at in the ultrasound sucking her thumb is not a Homo Sapiens, not .human but rather is a __________ well, they should show the science that proves that if they insist that’s what science says.
It seems to me have this philosophy, this morality, deep in the American soul that humans can be property. We saw this in full bloom 150 plus years ago as many claimed that yes the African is a human (impossible to claim otherwise) BUT in some cases, he or she is just PROPERTY. There's an owner and owners can do with their PROPERTY as they please, even "terminate" him or her. I hope even non-Christians agree this is immoral. And we (as a society and nation) dealt with that 150 years ago (although it took a literal war) and declared, loud and clear, NO human is property, NO ONE owns another human being. But here we are again.... with endless shouts of “MINE.” Until it's proven to me that an unborn girl is just a lifeless THING (like a coffee mug) or a living non-human (perhaps a bunny rabbit), then we have a human (just as that ultrasound shows)... and therefore she's not property! And there is no owner! Now, acknowledging this, some will reply, "Yes, she's human and not property - but she's a DEVELOPING human and it's moral to "terminate" a human who is still developing." Ah. But a 12 year-old girl is still developing too so the morality they are defending applies just as much to a 12-year-old as to a 12-week-old. It's obviously immoral; no spin changes that.
Proponents of abortions dwell on a sad, tragic reality that we MUST not evade: There can be horrible, tragic situations! We live in a fallen, sinful, broken world where terrible things happen. Even to completely innocent people. There are horrible and very REAL stories, and we must not gloss over these! There’s one point pro-abortion people often make that I’m glad about – they point out that we have TWO people deeply involved in this situation – there’s the mother, too! And sometimes it’s not the beautiful situation we all want to assume is the case. While abortions because of rape or incest together account for less than 1% of all abortions, they are realities. And there are other realities, too! But some seem to hold that the proper response is to kill the most innocent party. I'd argue that two wrongs don't make a right, it just makes a bigger wrong. Instead of punishing the child, we need to help the mother. We need to "be there" for BOTH mother and child, for ALL threatened and abused. Those tragic stories suggest help for the mother, not killing the child.
Much talk is made of "rights" these days, especially in the US. There is a basic American view that there are inalienable rights granted by the Creator. We'd agree on some: Freedom of speech, for example. But there is one “right” above all the rest, one right on which all other others completely, totally depend: The right to life, the right to exist, the right to be. If my life is taken away, what difference does it make if I have freedom of speech? Again, I know the response: “But some humans are just property, and property has no rights.” But we know from history that any can reduce others to just property: Hitler and the Jews, A lot of Americans and African slaves, many have been victims of this "human but property" morality. If we are to embrace rights at all – even just the concept of rights – then there obviously is one that must be cherished and protected above all others.