Perhaps, but it works.
It's not actually that difficult to keep a mental note of whether each hand is clean or not, and restrict less clean activity to one hand as far as possible. I've been doing it for years when spending extended time outside, where it's good to know whether either hand is clean when it comes to eating. If neither hand is clean I know I need to be more careful to hold my food through whatever it's wrapped in, but if I have at least one clean hand I don't need to worry so much.
I used the same kind of approach during the COVID silliness. There's no point wiping everything with cleaning supplies unless you're going to wipe absolutely everything. So the posturing with wiping the handles of shopping carts was pointless because you know very well that the items on the shelves aren't going to be wiped down. Better to take responsibility for yourself rather than always assuming Someone Else has covered all the bases. So if you touch the shopping cart the hand(s) that touched it are now unclean. Because your hands are unclean you don't rub your eyes etc or eat with them until they are clean again.