Some of the left progressives are calling to abolish prisons?
How will that help our country and don't they see how dangerous that is?
The left is not interested in helping our country. They don't care about the country. That such an act would be dangerous to the country doesn't matter to them.
A certain passage in the book of (Exodus) has always interested me. (Ex. 2:11-14). Moses as a young man saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. Moses engaged the Egyptian and killed him. He then tried to hide the body in the sand. (2:12)
The next day Moses found two Hebrews fighting and he intervened and asked the one who was in the wrong, 'Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?" (Ex. 2:13) And the one in the wrong said, "Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian?"
Note the remark of Scripture: "to him that did the wrong". (Ex. 2;13)
My point: The ones in the wrong are those who support those in the wrong. They don't care about the country. All they care about is that they get their way over the ones in the right. They don't care about how dangerous it is because they only care that the danger will be to those in the right.
I also find it interesting that I find no prison system in Scripture for Israel. Why? Because if you followed the Mosaic Law, you don't need one.