This thread (originally posted as a question
@NathanH83) was posted to an area of the forum I cannot post at, and as (I suspect) I am the only Flat Earther here I shall attempt to answer the question. I am a Deist, although I have a Christian background, and I share some beliefs with Christians, and some marked differences as well.
From a Biblical perspective, there is no where in the bible that supports these concepts:
1) The earth is a sphere ("the circle of the earth" - doesn't mean sphere, and the Hebrew word for circle here is "circuit", again not designating shape)
2) The earth moves
3) The earth orbits a star, or the sun. The bible does mention the sun moving (and stopping), but not the earth. Outside of direct reference, there is the indirect. Sun worship is a major feature of pagan religion and condemned by the Biblical God, and what an irony that would be if He Tailored his Earth to be a mere planet among planets all dancing around the sun.
4) Stars as planets, or suns. According to the bible, they are likened to living beings (Job 38:7), not planets and not suns. The stars also fall to the earth in the book of Revelation.
5) The moon being a reflector of the Sun. According to the bible, the moon gives it's own light.
6) The moon being over 200k miles away from earth. Next time you examine the moon on a semi cloudy night, observe how it's light illuminates close clouds, and ask yourself how this is possible unless the clouds are also 200k miles away, or if the moon reflects it's light collectively upon close clouds.
7) "Outer space". This concept is nowhere supported in the Bible. The opposite is supported. Earth has a firmament. Above the firmament is water (Psalm 148:4). This is the true reason why the sky is blue.
Those are 7 Biblical reasons I can think of off the top of my head.
Other reasons include:
The properties of water. The surface of water does not bend or curve around objects when it is at rest, or relative rest. There is not a single example I know of where the surface of resting water curves. Yet we are to believe this is the case for the Globe/Sphere model. By the magic of "gravity".
True flat eathers, btw, do not believe in "Gravity", rather they explain the up or down tendency of objects according to their relative densities. A helium balloon will float in air and a human will sink, but a large enough hot air balloon will rise and carry a human up into the sky. Relative density is what is at play here, no gravity required.
Proven "space" fakery. Nasa and other so called space agencies have been caught many times faking space footage. There is no real need to do this unless they've never been there or space itself is fake.
I am a flat earther but I reject the popular circular model. I used to promote it until I found out it doesn't work, for many reasons. Therefore I can say I am a flat earther without a model I can prove, and I am o k with this. We are somehow able to traverse the earth (E to W and W to E only) and find ourselves back in the same place, and one would assume it is because we are moving in a circle (both Globe and circular Flat earthers believe this, although with differences in how), however I don't find the obvious assumption a necessity. Somehow it is a circuit of some kind, but nothing I can prove. I suspect (but again, cannot prove) that the vision given in the Book of Enoch is the correct view.
I received the same "globe" and "solar system" education as everyone who grows up in the West. I took it by faith that I wasn't being lied to, and by convenience because (the premise) fit into my viewing entertainment (science fiction films and books). That being said, although it is supposed to be "common knowledge" (hammered into us in so many ways, including the hypnotic spinning globe on news media, at the beginning of films etc), I always was curious about things in the Globe model that didn't make sense or contradicted each other. I found some flat earth literature and films very intriguing (and disturbing), and eventually had to admit I didn't believe in the Globe model, and that the earth is most likely a plane, while also rejecting the proposed model (the circular model or AE model) that usually accompanies these beliefs.