I didn't watch the video. I know Arnie was once the Governor of CA but frankly this looks like another film star who thinks being on the big screen makes his opinions more valid than anyone else's.
What troubles me most about recent events is the sense that we're being subjected to an Orwellian Ministry of Truth in full swing. The media is quick to describe things as "false" when it would perhaps be more accurate to describe them as "unproven". It's curious that so many allegations of irregularities in the election are not only dismissed but now we're expected to believe that this election was the most secure ever. It's hard to see how that is possible, given the total lack of chain of custody associated with mail-in ballots - with a mail-in ballot you can't even be sure that the person whose name is on the ballot actually ticked the boxes at all.
Ordinarily I'd be inclined to assume that the allegations of irregularities were sufficiently lacking in merit that courts threw them all out. Given how polarising a figure Trump has been for four years it's not difficult to see how Biden could win the election. For me the pairing of some known irregularities, the wholesale rejection of court cases, and then being told that this election was the most secure ever, leaves me wondering what's really going on.
What gets even more galling is the way the Democrats are calling for healing when they've spent the last four years doing their fair share of stirring division. You know, on 9/11/2001 "some people did something" but on 1/6/2021 you'd be forgiven for thinking the world as we knew it ended. And then you've got the people who look at the recent events in DC and the summer's riots across the country and give one of them a free pass, typically depending on which side of the political aisle they sit. Frankly if you don't condemn one it's hard to take you seriously if you condemn the other.