Scripture doesn't outright state who it was so all we can do is conjecture.
But the only thing that fits is 2 Maccabees 7.
When he says that there were those who shut the mouths of lions, we know he’s talking about Daniel in the lion’s den. That’s not conjecture.
When he says there were those who quenched the flames of fire, we know he’s talking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. That’s not conjecture.
When he says women received back their dead, raised to life, we know he’s talking about Elijah and Elisha raising a boy from the dead and presenting them to their mothers. Nothing else in the Bible fits this. That’s not conjecture.
2 Maccabees 7 is the only thing in the Bible fits what Paul says about men being tortured, not accepting deliverance so that might obtain a better resurrection. It’s not conjecture.