What troubles me is that in some ways, we're just replacing one form of the sin for another. Perhaps an "over-reaction" or maybe just the same sin morphing in a new way (I consider it the later). In some ways, I think the LEFT promotes racism (and sexism0 with its OBSESSION with the issue of race, color, ethnicity, etc. The DREAM of Rev. MARTIN LUTHER King, Jr. was that his children would NOT be treated according to the color of their skin (or gender or race or ethnicity) BUT rather by the character of their heart (their morality, integrity). He fought for EQUAL opportunity and BLINDNESS to the issues of race, gender, color, etc. In some ways, I think it's worse now..... and I think it is the liberals who are working overtime to keep the dream of Rev. King as distant as possible Frankly, I'm sick of the "boys vs. girls" stuff (seems like Kindergarden to me), I'm SICK of all the talk of race.... I WISH we'd talk about character, integrity, morality...... I think what we all decry has simply morphed into a new form....