Me in Post #399:
Albion in Post #400:
Well, to jog Albion’s memory just a little…
Josiah, from Post #52: "Baptism now saves you." There is that verse (although I know how some spin it 180 degrees)., to which we could add (for clarification), from the later Post #401 by Lämmchen: There is no difference between the benefits a baby receives compared to what an adult receives in baptism.
Lämmchen, frpm Post #237:
1 Peter 3:20-21. … in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it a few people, eight in all, were saved through water — and this water symbolizes Baptism that now saves you also.
The following list of verses was then quoted:
Galatians 3:27; Eph. 5:26; Titus 3:5.; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Corinthians 6:11.; Acts 22:16; Acts 2:37-39; Mark 16:16
followed by * Note: In these passages, the Word of God associates Baptism with dying and rising with Christ, being clothed with Christ, being cleansed and made holy by Christ, having sins washed away, receiving the Holy Spirit, being regenerated (reborn) and renewed, receiving the forgiveness of sins, and being saved.
And also, me, from Post #279: So I ask Albion (I ask you, Albion) to provide a precise and succinct explanation (like the quoted point 2 above) regarding what would happen to (the status of) a baptised 6 month old baby that happened to die. Then we could all have that same precise, unequivocal understanding.
Albion, from Post #280 in reply: They are saved.
So, when Albion asks of baptism, Who said that it saves? And where was that said?, one could well wonder what realms of honesty might he be transgressing.
And is that not in itself a clear example of the internal inconsistency and self-contradictory statements that unfortunately emanate from the baby baptising camp?