Well...... I'd agree that the Bible calls homosexual ACTS to be sin - but then MUCH falls into the category of sexual sin. And I agree with you; I see no reason to isolate homosexual acts and rebuke them more than (or other than) visiting "those" websites or self-pleasuring or pre-marital stuff.
But the ORIENTATION, in my view, is a part of the universal sinfulness of ALL people. ALL of us have an orientation to sin (not just homosexuals).... ALL of us have a sinful NATURE. Yes, is the nature of ALL people "sinful?" Of course. Are ALL people by nature sinful, with an orientation to sin? Of course. I'm not sure I could make a case that some are more "sin" than others, that some have MORE of such a nature than others..... we simply are ALL "sick".
I think the Bible tends to place the emphasis on what we DO, how that nature PLAYS OUT in our lives.... the "symptoms" of our sin. As Luther said, "You can't keep a bird from flying over your head but you can keep it from making a nest in your hair." I may WANT to do something sinful with some attractive female other than my wife.... but I don't HAVE to, I'm called not to ACT on it. Is the sin still there? Yup. Is the NATURE the same? Of course. Is there still sin of thought (if not action)? Yup. Should I include that in my confession to God? Absolutely. But we're only talking about the final symptom - the acting it out - not the sin itself. And of course, even that isn't a good as we like to think.... with SAINT Paul, I think we all need to admit that the good we want to do we do not, and the evil we don't want to do we do.... that we are CHIEF of sinners. It was true of SAINT Paul and it's true of us. I think we'd ALL benefit from spending some HONEST time in front of the mirror... we'd probably benefit more than in stead looking around to see if we can find others who seem to have worse symptoms than we do in some very specific, particular matter.
Just my half cent.
- Josiah