The Mystery of Election...
MONERGISM. Lutherans and Calvinists both are monergists. This is the affirmation that justification (narrow) is God's miracle and gift. We believe that Jesus IS THE Savior, which means it's Jesus that saves, Jesus does it, if it has to do with salvation Jesus' got it. Thus is it not a matter of how many "hoops" we gotta jump through and how well we do it - so that we create, earn, merit and deserve salvation (and thus Jesus is not the Savior).
JUSTIFICATION. Lutherans and Calvinists agree here, too. Justification is essentially what "Evangelicals" mean by "Born again." It means a changed relationship with God and the forgiveness of our sin. We hold to the Protestant view of Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - Sola Fide (as one inseparable, united view): John 3:16, "For God so loved the world (Sola Gratia) that He gave His only begotten Son (Solus Christus) that whosoever believes in Him (Sola Fide) will not parish but has everlasting life (justification). It's because of the unconditional love and mercy of God, which gave to us the God/man Jesus who IS the Savior in His life, death and resurrection, which we apprehend via the divine gift of faith (trust/reliance). Alone. All the divine miracle of God, the divine GIFT of God.
ELECTION The Gospel that God loved us, was merciful to us, and chose us as His own before we did a thing, before we were even born (or even conceived). It flows from a firm embrace of monergism. It is NOT to be confused (at all) with the Greek philosophy of "fate" nor is it to be applied anywhere except, solely, in justification (narrow). It is also not to be confused with foreknowledge (the affirmation that God knows all - even beforehand) for it's not simply that God KNOWS who will justified but that God WORKS this miracle and gift and thus they will be justified. They aren't justified because God knew they would be, God knows they will be because He has chosen to perform his miracle and grant this pure gift. For Lutherans, this is not law and should not be twisted upside down and inside out to convert Gospel into Law, that is to say that God "gets off" on seeing billions fry forever in hell and thus chooses some before time to glory Him by suffering the eternal flames of hell. Election is Gospel, always meant to comfort and assure - never to terrorize. Lutherans do not claim to know why some are not justified/saved - but we do NOT believe it is because God 'gets off' on frying people and seeing them suffer. This is the GOSPEL ('good news') that this Sola Gratia in view of Solus Christus has always been (and will always be) directed to me. Not because self has earned it but because God extends it. Yes, there is mystery here.... but it's wonderful if we embrace this as it is presented: as Gospel to comfort CHRISTIANS.
UNIVERSAL ATONEMENT. All but a few uber-Calvinists accept this (and it was proclaimed at the Ecumenical Council of Orange). This teaches that God's love is unconditional (NOT conditional upon being among the "Elect"), "For God so loved the world..." And that Jesus died for all sins. It embraces Sola Gratia and Solus Christus in justification. BECAUSE God loves ALL and Jesus' work is for ALL we therefore know it's for us (since it is universal, with no exceptions). Of course, Sola Gratia - Solus Christus APART FROM SOLA FIDE does not result in justification (justification results from all 3 aspects of it: Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - SOLA FIDE), justification requires the divine gift of faith which God gives to His Elect. However the divine gift of faith apprehends reality because the Sola Gratia - Solus Christus IS THERE for all. One of the many problems of those who reject this is that faith may or may not be apprehending something (since it may not be for THEM) and there's no way to know if they are justified for not.
UNIVERSALISM This is the rejection and repudiation of the "Sola Fide" part of justification, arguing that one is justified REGARDLESS of whether they have the divine gift of faith or not. It insists we are justified via Sola Gratia - Solus Christus, rejecting the Sola Fide part. Yes, it assumes universal atonement but then repudiates Sola Fide, which orthodox, traditional Christian theology does not do (since Scripture and the Councils does not permit).
A Hopefully Helpful ILLUSTRATION-
Next February, God willing, my wife and I will be joined by a son. So far, I've only seen him in admittedly hard to distinguish photos of him still in the womb - but that's all I know about him (oh, he is a boy!). We chose to not to any of the texts of possible birth issues (doesn't matter, we aren't going to abort him). We don't know if he'll be handsome or ugly, smart or dumb, good or bad. And so far, all he's done is cost a lot of money, kicked his mother a lot, and made her physically ill (she's better now, however). He hasn't done any good work to merit the life he obviously has (he does all kinds of gymnastics in there; I can now feel it).
And we are already "nesting" (as my wife puts it). We bought a new car (a Honda Pilot SUV), repainted the nursery and already have it all decorated, we have the car seat and rocker and dresser/changing table and LOTS of other things already in the nursery and ready to go (although it's still some months before his scheduled entrance). And there's LOTS of clothes and other things - even before the 3 upcoming baby showers - some from us, most from the two sets of soon-to-be grandparents (a first grandchild for them both). We've both arranged for leave with our employers
And we already LOVE that little boy to pieces. We pray for him constantly (together and separately). My wife is already singing to him (including "Jesus songs"). I suspect only the parents out there know what I'm talking about.... Crazy, absolutely crazy, how much you can be in love (and all that means) with one you've never seen and has done absolutely nothing whatsoever to earn all this (quite the opposite - he's cost us a lot).
And years from now.... perhaps because of the brokenness of this world and of sin..... he may wander to a place.... and wonder about Mom and Dad..... wonder about our love and dedication to him.... wonder if our love has disappeared because he isn't earning it..... and we can remind him of this time when all he did was kick his mother, make her sick and cost us a bunch of time, effort and money - and we loved him: more than we can convey, more than we can understand.... not because of what he did but because of who he is: our son, our heart.
.... THAT is essentially the "Mystery of Election" ....
OBVIOUSLY there is much mystery here, but it's to leave mystery as mystery... and to leave gospel as gospel.
I accept Sola Gratia - Solus Christus. And I accept Sola Fide. Thus I reject your premise that if faith is lacking, ERGO it is mandated that God's grace and Savior are also missing - your premise is absurd and unbiblical.
It is absurd to insist that if one doesn't have faith, ergo there is no grace or Savior. And of course, it creates "a terror of the conscience": it means that you have no assurance, no reason to believe that God's love is unconditional (as the Bible says it is) or that Jesus is your Savior. The rest of us KNOW that God is merciful and gracious to us, that Jesus is my Savior because His grace/mercy and Savior is for all. Faith then apprehends that and applies it to me. In this Greek idea of some Calvinists, faith is likely ineffectual because God's grace/mercy and Savior is only for SOME and there's no way to know if I'm one of those "some." It's not only an absurd and unbiblical idea - but it's a horrible one.
And you are making a common uber-Calvinist mistake: Of simply casting everyone else as an Arminianist. It's just not true.