My older brother attends a huge, mega church. I won't mention it but you've probably heard of it.
Although not old, it has THOUSANDS in worship every week (actually, it's hard to count because most of them can't get in their huge auditorium ("worship center" they call it) and worship in satellites - some on campus, some not. Lots of young people (but folks of all ages). Lots of celebs. They have their own cafe (actually more than one) and their own Starbucks. There are so many groups I don't think even the "Lead Pastor" knows the number.... Theatre groups, every kind of sports, fitness things, clubs, organizations. Classes galore - including how to tame those teens, how to manage your finances, how to have a happy sex life (yes, I'm not kidding, they have a class in that). Classes for men, classes for women, classes for teens, classes for kids. And they have countless pastors. Some pastors for this, some pastors for that (not sure any went to seminary.... or even college.... but they have "Pastor" in front of their name). A big center for the youth! A gym. A theatre for plays. And it's a GREAT place to meet members of the other gender (the point my brother likes most, although he's still single).
And the "worship" service is..... well...... LOUD. I mean, seats fibrating LOUD. BIG screens..... LOTS of visual stuff! Better than most professional concerts (and they do this every week - several times every week). A band at least the equal of any in professional rock music. This is NOT your typical "If you even THINK you can play an instrument - and own said instrument (cuz we don't) - you are in the praise band." No. This is very, very professional.
And there's no theology. None. "We preach Christ!" "We teach the Bible!" Of course, Mormons say the same thing. As far as my brother knows, there is no creed, no confession other than that. And, as far as he's been able to determine in about 5 years of going there, it's "it's nice to be nice" and "praise is an awesome thing." That's about it.
Because my brother strongly insisted, I've been to his church. I wouldn't call it a church. At all. And after a couple of visits, I won't waste a Sunday going there. But I guess I'm in the minority.