My advise.... in no particular order....
1. Love each other. 1 Corinthians 13, Jesus..... The other is more important than self, the other comes first. It includes faithfulness. And forgiveness. Love means there ain't no sacrifice.
2. Love is also spelled "T.I.M.E." In today's world and economy, it's EASY to become "ships passing in the night" so we may NEED to prioritize our time, even schedule it (however unromantic that is, lol). Turn off the TV, shut down the computers, put away the phones. Talk to each other. Do things together (in addition to that... but omg, some couples even forget to do that).
3. Learn each other's "Love Language" And do it.
4. Keep Jesus in the marriage. Do devotions TOGETHER. Pray out loud for each other. Go to church REGULARLY and TOGETHER. Also, love, forgiveness, service - they will all be taught and inspired.
5. Be cheerleaders for each other. Lift high one another.
6. Live within financial means.... do finances together.... keep a handle on this: Bad finances can severely damage even strong marriages.
I'd add, BEFORE marriage: Don't have sex (ever, not once),and certainly don't live together; get to know each other (and not be hyper-focused on bodies instead - there's decades ahead for that).... Get professional pre-marriage counseling from a licensed Christian counselor... don't rush into it....
There are others, too.... but this spring immediately to mind.