The problem is not the YMCA....
Going to "another establishment" accomplishes NOTHING....
The problem is woke, liberal government.
The LAW in The People's Republic of California states that a person must be able to use the facilities that match their own "gender identity." The YMCA had no choice here, this man (who claims to identify as a woman) had the choice to use WHATEVER locker room/shower that he/she/it felt matched their identity. The Y doesn't need to be informed about this "choice." And what happened in this case is no doubt happening in many places: MINORS, yes children, are being "exposed" to naked men (of any and all ages). Too bad, they need to get over it. The person naked in their locker room/shower (regardless of age) had the RIGHT, the legal civil right, to be there. Women have no right to privacy. Children have no rights here.
Welcome to liberalism. Welcome to the Democrat Party. And don't say to yourself, "Ah, but that's wacko California!" What happens in California never stays in California. Liberals learn what they can get away with.... and apply it wherever they can.
I'm glad I don't have daughters. But I do have a wife. And yes, I'm mad. But I doubt we can do anything about it, California is a "one-party" state with the courts and press are just puppets of that political party. Republicans and citizens can complain - as they are doing in this case in San Diego - but the press is calling them "hateful" and "homophobic" And the TV news (with one exception) and the local UT Newspaper aren't reporting that this person was nude or that there were children present, they aren't even reporting it was a locker room/shower, they specifically reported this man/woman 'wanted to use the restroom." Nope, he was in walking around nude with children present, as those children are reporting.
- Josiah