Okay...so, a previous site I ran (I am still technically the admin on it, but 500 000 posts later, it has died down) had a very (extremely) militant atheist. Not the nice, pleasant type but a VERY nasty piece of work. So, to mess with him an admin of ours decided to try move that little (horizontal) part of the "add" symbol, a little higher.
I am not sure if he ever got anywhere with it - I went away for a while having been hounded into the ground by someone else.
Instead of the sign looking like an "add", it looked like the cross. That admin had to replace an icon or something I believe - I had no idea if it worked or not, but needless to say, the site has no contacts left because this poor user was bombarded with nearly 300 requests for friends, with a symbol of a cross headed his way. It was so bad, the entire site corrupted. It took all my tact and diplomacy to revert the situation but the friends / contact list never ever recovered. That was a mess that I never want to have to clean up again - no matter how funny it seemed at the time.