Who/What is the Authority? A Lutheran perspective....
“Epistemology” is the issue of how we know. While we can know something about God from Creation and introspection and even reason (something of the “image of God” remains after the Fall) it’s not much! Fortunately, God has kept in touch! In ancient times, He would literally speak to leaders (such as Abraham or Moses) or through Prophets (such as Isaiah or Micah) but He also has spoken to all of us in enduring ways via writing – the first example of Scripture being the Ten Commandments written (directly, literally) by God on two tablets of stone, which immediately became the Rule (“straight edge”) or Canon (“measuring stick”) for morality. This is how we know about God – right from God, whom we affirm as the Author of Scripture. Lutherans hold that GOD is the Authority and we read His very written words in the pages of His very Scriptures to us.
The Roman Catholic Church argued that we know via “the three-legged-stool” which it declared as 1) The Roman Catholic Church's current understanding of “Tradition” of it itself, plus equally 2) The words of the Bible as it is currently and authoritatively interpreted by it itself, plus equally 3) The official, current views and rulings of the leadership of it itself. These three are inseparable and form one, united “stream” of Authority so that each “part” compliments and adds to the others to form the one united and inseparable truth. For example, since #3 is true – so #1 and #2 must therefore agree with #3 if only by implication and not actually stated.
What is the Bible?
The Reformers believed that the written word of Scripture is God’s very words to us (
1 Thessalonians 2:13,
1 Corinthians 2:13,
2 Peter 1:21). God used various penmen as His instruments (some known, most not) – and seemed to have often used their personalities and such in the process - but the final result is His. The Reformers thus believed that Scripture is reliable and dependable in its purpose, embracing it as indeed “inerrant” (
John 17:17,
John 10:35). God knows more about the things of God than we do (or any individual denomination). We use the Bible to learn about God, His promises and counsel, and to provide a “rule” for Christian teachings and claims. We look to the Bible for Law and Gospel. And we believe that God’s Scripture is “authoritative” because of its Author, whom we believe is God.
Sola Scriptura or “The Rule of Scripture in Norming”
The words mean “Scripture Alone” and it affirms that God’s written word is the final “Rule” (straight edge) or “Canon” (measuring stick) for the evaluation of Christian teachings (especially disputed doctrines among us). It affirms that God’s words are above our words, that our teachings are accountable to God’s teachings (and not the other way around). The practice goes all the way back to the first Scriptures as Moses directed the people’s attention to the supreme authority of the Ten Commandments of God. Jesus used the Rule of Scripture (Sola Scriptura) some 50 times during His ministry, as just recorded in the Bible (no doubt there where MANY examples not so recorded),
Lutherans reject that a teacher or denomination may claim to be unaccountable or that his/her/its teachings are equal to or above Scripture.
Lutherans hold that the written, objective, words of God on the pages of Scripture are the ultimate and final authority (alone) since the words of God simply "trump" the words of men.
What about Tradition?
Of course, God’s written words in Scripture usually need to be interpreted and applied. There may be honest disagreements about that. Lutherans would STRESS that the actual words of the text must be supreme and the norm, and usually that resolves much. We’d also stress the context of the verse – both immediate (the chapter, for example) and greater (the whole of Scripture). This concept of embracing context is sometimes referred to as “Scripture interpreting Scripture” (“clarifying” might be a more accurate verb there). But again, valid differences of interpretation might be possible.
But UNDER the actual printed words of Scripture is what we refer to as “Tradition” (big “T”). This refers to the historic, ecumenical, universal consensus of God’s people, especially in terms of interpretation of Scripture. In nearly all the important areas, Christians struggled with the difficult verses and issues – intensely and prayerfully looking at the Scriptures, debating and discussing and praying and studying, often for centuries – and eventually, a consensus developed that was textual (“fits” perfectly the words of Scripture) and ecumenical. Lutherans take this very seriously. Lutherans see no reason to “reinvent the wheel” in every generation as if no one has thought or studied about these things before (the Bible is 3400-2000 years old!) or as if the Holy Spirit only leads me. We respectfully embrace the “wisdom of the past.” We call this Tradition.
But it’s important to remember that Lutherans consider such “Tradition” as under Scripture and not equal to or above it. And the “Tradition” we speak of is ecumenical not denominational. Catholics consider the Tradition of the specific Catholic Church to be equal in Authority and normative function with God’s Scripture, but Lutherans place ecumenical consensus below that. This consensus or Tradition – however wise – is OUR “stuff” and not equal to God’s Scripture any more than we are equal to God. Our interpretation and application is not equal with the text itself, we believe. Lutherans tend to embrace Tradition more than other Protestants but less than Catholics. Lutherans study the Church Fathers and Christian history, we look to the true Ecumenical Councils and we regard highly the “Church Fathers” and “Church Councils” of our past – we just don’t consider them as equal to or above God and God’s writings.
Luther is credited with saying, “We must be bold where God’s Scripture is bold and silent where God’s Scripture is silent.” The second is just as important as the first. Lutherans approach Scripture with firm embrace but with awe and great humility. We are comfortable with tensions and balances and admitting that we just don’t have all the answers. Lutherans (along with Christians in the early church) call this “mystery” and note that we are called to be “stewards of the mysteries of God.” While The Catholic Church is more eager to apply its own Tradition and human philosophy, and whereas some other Protestants are more eager to apply human logic or reason, Lutherans are more comfortable with just embracing the mystery and leaving it as Scripture leaves it. “Letting God have the last word.”
Pax Christi
- Josiah