I'm reading another forum.
Dude has, in the same thread, two pics of name-brand food advertisements. The thread has nothing to do about food but is similar in nature to "post something cuz I'm bored" (as it's a general type thread). Checked his avatar - yet another advertisement - this time for a piece of technology - again - name branded.
He's a regular and has thousands of posts.
I think he's pimping out for corporations on the chat. I mean - it's one thing to say "I grabbed a frozen pizza from the supermarket" or "I had McDonald's" - but to give so much detail, with a picture and to be so *excited* about the specific food pics and descriptions of junk food he's buying...and then the avatar pic.
It's like product placement for internet forums! Grr. My respect level just went down 2 notches and I'm glad to be posting natural food recipes here because 1) I believe in them and eat them and 2) they aren't promoting corporate/manufactured food.