there is so much to speak about on this topic its a bit overwhelming .
it is a two edged sword .
it is an engineered crises forcing the spread of Islam.
it is opportunity for the gospel to reach those who were blocked from hearing it behind the muslim veil
it is both at the same time .
it is polarizing the western world -it is the prerequisite to global war
the increasing of sorrows .
and YES .. we love them .,, because our lord said through his word ..
do god to those who abuse you and use you and say all manner against you falsely .. AND love your enemy .
the world will do what the world does
it will bicker ..some will help some will hate ..some will rescue some will murder (a lot will murder ) and will procrastinate and it will go to war .and ultimately probably blame Israel and Christians -because the spirit of this world is the father of liars .
but WE.. the children of the lord in Christ Jesus.. are to LOVE