I planned a gentle run today because we're still under a heat advisory. It ended up being less gentle than I intended, largely because I'm finding I gravitate to a pace that's a little faster than I can sustain for any length of time, and also because it didn't feel like an intense effort even though my pulse told a different story. So I let myself gravitate to a natural pace, and took a walk break if my pulse went high.
The metrics on my watch are proving to be more or less useless. If I gently jog the level parts and walk the uphill parts it rates my performance as very strong, but if I jog the uphill parts and walk the easy parts it rates my performance as average or weak. It's not exactly a stunning revelation that running up a hill is easier than running down a hill but as far as I can tell the "proprietary algorithm" that calculates my performance doesn't consider that.
This afternoon has been picking off a few odd jobs. I fixed a minor issue with a hose reel, unclamped a chair I'm fixing and got the seat sanded and stained (stain now drying), and when my wife is done tinkering with her plants I'm going to cut some more strips of insulation to finish that piece of work in my work room. I have three panels left and need most of two of them. I had hoped to use them all up so they would be out of the way, but I'll still have to find somewhere to keep the remains. I might just cut it into slightly oversized strips to make it easier to store, and figure that when I'm ready to start in the next room I'll just have to trim them ever so slightly depending on how straight my studs can be.