I get sick of pumpkin being put in everything. My wife likes a lot of pumpkin stuff but for me it's just another fad to avoid, I find most of it too sweet for my taste. I do like pumpkin pie, and I've got a couple of pumpkin beers that are good if you leave them to age for a while.
I picked up a case of an imperial pumpkin ale because it was really cheap, cheap enough to try something I wouldn't normally bother with. This stuff usually sells for about $50/case but the place I got it from just wanted it out of the way to make way for winter beers so they had cut the price to $10. $10 for 24 bottles was a price I was willing to take a chance, but I didn't care much for the beer. Since it is quite a popular beer round here I figured I'd keep it so I could give it to people who might enjoy it, rather than just dumping it. So I put it in the basement and slowly worked my way through it. Recently I found the last couple of 4-packs of it that I'd forgotten about, and wondered if it was still good, whether it had aged well etc. So I cracked a bottle and it was much smoother than before, to the point I quite liked it. So the lesson to take away is to buy a case when it's dirt cheap, leave it in the basement for about three years, and then it will be pretty good.