I think a large part of the problem is the word "marriage", because it means more than one thing depending on the context.
From a Christian sense when we talk about marriage we talk about a sacred covenant between a man and a woman.
From a secular sense when we talk about marriage we talk about a secular contract recognised by a secular government in which two people exchange secular obligations for secular benefits.
You have a point - however SAD.
Marriage was ALWAYS a matter of society and religion. UNIVERSALLY. In EVERY culture. In EVERY religions. And usually was one man and one woman (although polygamy certainly is not unheard of - just unusual; but same-gender "marriage" was unheard of; not even a word for it in any language!).
Thing is.... from Rome on..... INHERITANCE passed. And since Rome was as sue happy as modern Westerners, the issue of whether one was actually MARRIED to this person, came to be an issue.
In fairly modern times (last couple of centuries), for the sake of the COURTS in dealing with inheritance disputes, SECULAR GOVERNMENT got their big ______ involved in this (and religion and families and culture stood back and allowed it). But the ONLY issue was to insure that it was a matter of legal record for property rights. In other words, it actually had nothing to do with marriage per se, it had to do with INHERITANCE rights: who would get the farm. The State simply RECORDED the marriage - so that there was a legal record of such. The state didn't define marriage, it only RECORDED what happened. The CHURCH still determined who could and could not get married, divorced, etc. Yes, the church wanted to be sure no one was already married - thus the familiar part of the ceremony, "If there is anyone who has CAUSE why THESE TWO may not be wed, LET HIM SPEAK NOW or forever hold his peace."
But sadly, families and religious stood back and allowed the SECULAR GOVERNMENT to violate the separation of church and state, to violate the family. The STATE would now issue licenses... the SECULAR state (not religion, not families) would determine who is and is not married, who may and may not be married. Perhaps the biggest violation of the separation of church and state in all human history, the biggest intrusion into religion and culture ever seen. We stood back and allowed this violation, this instrusion. But of course, the SECULAR STATE is not culture, not the family, not religion, not the church. It has merely stuck its big ______ into this. For the reason you said, inheritance.
Here's the deal: The SECULAR state CAN and SHOULD govern SECULAR things (like inheritance rights). That's well within its rights and authorities. But it has NO RIGHT to impose itself on families and religion, to so boldly violate the separation of church and state, of family and state. Yes, the government CAN say "this union means there are inheritance rights" (and any other CIVIL - civil - rigthts IT may or may not choose to grant to any it may or may not choose to grant them to).
This is called a CIVIL UNION, a PERSONAL CORPORATION. And the government has every right to say that any woman over 80 and any number of dogs can be a CIVIL UNION so that any leaves all property to the others upon their passing." the SECULAR, CIVIL governement EXISTS to make those rules and acknowledge legal contracts. What it does not have the right to do is be God, to order religious cermonies, to OUT TRUMP thousands of years of human history, human culture, to redefine (or technically, UNdefine) tens of thousands of years of understanding, to violate the separation of church and state, family and state.
From a secular perspective there really is no reason why any group of people shouldn't enter into a contract recognised by the government. If five people want to enter into an arrangement whereby all their possessions are considered owned by all of them, they have automatic next-of-kin entitlements, they can transfer assets between themselves without paying taxes and so on, why shouldn't they be allowed to do just that? And if they are allowed to do it, it makes little practical difference what name is given to that arrangement. Whether any or all of them are having physical relationships with each other really isn't anybody else's business.
What the SECULAR, CIVIL government may not do is un-define "marriage" to accomplish that, to entirely intrude on religion and families, to strip this universal, cherish, honored, historic institution of all meaning and significance. If some people want to regard ten ladies and their dogs to be "marriage" why should the government care? IT'S NONE OF ITS BUSINESS anymore than if 14 people want to consider the moon to be god.
Of course a related issue is the size and scope of government - if there were fewer taxes on things like inheritance and transfers, if people could nominate whoever they chose to be considered "next of kin" where things like hospital visitation was concerned etc then much of the secular benefit of the contract called marriage would be removed, meaning people would be less likely to seek something called "marriage" unless they actually wanted to make a lifelong commitment to their partner.
In California (and I don't know how many other states this also applies to), BEFORE any "same gender marriage" rulings or laws were passed, it was ruled that it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basic of sexual prefeneces or relationship IN ALL CIVIL MATTERS. So, in California, it has - for a long time, long before all this, been ILLEGAL for any governmental agency to hinder "same sex" people from inheritance rights, visitation rights, adoption rights, joint-ownership rights. IMO, the issue of "rights" is irrelevant. But yes, it STILL is unsettled about whether same sex marriage gets the same FEDERAL tax benefits - although I seem to remember the IRS ruled that yes they do (I could be wrong there). I don't care if they get the same tax benefit - that's a CIVIL issue up to the CIVIL government and not something for the church to weigh in on. I believe in separation of church and state, it's the radical libs who are trashing it in this issue.
Thank you.
- Josiah