When Christ died, what natures were with Him? Some on here have said that He gave up being God to die.
We're dwelling into MYSTERY.....
It has to do with the Two Natures of Christ and the "communication of attributes" between those two natures. Jesus was/is ALWAYS, INSEPARABLY , FULLY God and man. However, while the divine tends often to "communicate" with the human (so that Jesus could be sinless, for example) the human does not typically communicate with the Divine. But even that is saying more than we should, there's MYSTERY here beyond our ability to comprehend. Yes, JESUS didn't know some things yet God knows all.... Yes , JESUS died on the Cross but only in His human nature... Yes, JESUS rose from the dead but only becauswe of His Divine Nature.... Yew, JESUS c ould disappear from the sight of the Nazarines (BEFORE His resurrection).... Yes, JESUS is with us (hum..... in BOTH natures!) because Jesus promised HE would be with us always, not "The Trinity will be with you always." Ponder this stuff and smoke will begin to bellow from your ears.
But here's the deal: God never asked us to comprehend Him .... we are to trust and obey Him. God never told us to correct Him or make sense of what He's revealed in Scripture. I wonder if God lacks the PROFOUND, DEEP admiration we humans have of our brains? He calls us to be STEWARDS (protectors, managers) of the MYSTERIES of God. We do NOT need to wrap our puny, fallen, broken, sinful brains around God....we need to wrap our hearts and lives around Him. Some humility is in order. And a willingness to let God be God. As Lutherans say, "God gets the last word." As Luther said, "Humility is the foundation of all sound theology."
Sidenote: When I was a kid, we have a dog (a Great Dane). He LOVED cartoons. He'd sit and watch cartoons on TV for hours. Then cat would come on (even a cartoon cat) and he came unglued. He'd get up and go to the back of the TV and growl and sniff and look for that cat. We 3 kids laughed! I wonder if God laughs at us.... and our grand explanations and theories? Our brains are only slightly bigger than our Great Dane's.