Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - Sola Fide..... Soli Deo Gloria! We don't earn the Gospel, we RECEIVE the Gospel as "the FREE GIFT of God." That's why we celebrate Jesus as THE (the one, exclusive, sole, only, singular) Savior (not helper, not enabler, not possibility-maker). THE Savior! Grace, Christ, faith ALONE (without the need for us to jump though any hoops to make it so, so that SELF is the Savior, SELF is the cause, SELF makes it all happen - no need for all that mercy and forgiveness business Chrsitians so obsess about, no need for the Cross Christianity places so central, no need for that Jesus they talk about - just self jumping sufficiently through all them hoops; self wonderfully jumps through X hoops and THAT'S why I am rewarded). See the opening post.
Yes..... LAW brings repentance (if we don't ignore it, if we don't destroy it, if we don't dilute it to nothingness - THAT'S what it does, brings us to our knees in dispare, in utter awareness of how we are a complete failure, crying" "have MERCY on me!". That's the work of the Law. Let it work - by NOT crying "but I've ceased to sin, I'm obedient, I'm so much better than the idiot at work, I'm so much better than the bozo next door - I do what I need to get right and get to heaven!". But the Law cannot save (unless you have no sin and thus have nothing to be saved from!!!! Read the opening post).
ONLY the Gospel can bring us salvation (IF we don't ignore it, if we don't destroy it, if we don't dilute it to nonethingness). It's what it does - by directing us to the Cross/Tomb, the MERCY of God, the UNconditional love of God, the Cross, the Blood, the Lamb, the Christ, the SAVIOR!
Mix the two, confuse and entangle the two - and you end up destroying them and Christianity. And often promoting (unawares) the soteriology of modern Judaism, Islam and/or Bhakti Hinduism. See the opening post.
A free gift is neither free or a gift if you earned it by what you do. Jesus is not the Savior if your hoop jumping is why you are heavenbound.
Thank you.
- Josiah