Frankly, my last name didn't mean much in my church growing up. My dad was usher, Elder, Deacon, go-to guy, whatever... You know what that made me? Not a thing in the Youth Group - not to the leader, not to the pastor of that church at the time, not to peers in the youth group, nothing.
Pres. Obama, before he was elected, said "when you spread the wealth around, everybody wins". Somehow, he didn't get the memo that (despite my privilege) I wondered where my next meal was coming from, how the rent was getting paid, and how I could keep the electric from being cut off. Turns out the last one was the only thing I did qualify to get some assistance with. Supplemental income and unemployment? Forget it. I worked a contractual position and was laid off - but because it was contractual, I didn't qualify. My neighbors with the Cadillac Escalade (not considered "disposable income"), had assistance, unemployment, and medicaid. Who is privileged really does matter more than who had what in the home growing up. That guy at the back of the line, as it turned out, might just get that $100 after all.
You know what my "privilege" does for me in my line of work right now? Nothing. Managers are middle-aged women and new-hires are recent 20-something College graduates, mostly female. I've had the education (done the research, read the books) on 'privilege'. Most of the "evidence" for privilege goes back to the race riots of the 1960's and ends around the early 90's. Recent research will typically refer back to the early work. I've learned to read with a critical mind (e.g. analytical), and was truly surprised at the insistence of those who promote privilege that we accept data from the 60's and 70's as empirically valid today. One major proponent (white) excluded himself as being privileged because he was Jewish.
Perhaps the invisible knapsack is invisible because culture has attempted to load us down with what doesn't exist. The only exception to the rule that I have personally seen and experienced are indigenous cultures in Canada who have endured centuries of abuse, trauma, and loss of culture and way of life. They still suffer the effects of these abuses today. For them, I will freely admit that Europeans have walked all over their way of life and stolen from them what was theirs - dignity, respect, culture, land, heritage, language, safety, security, I could go on...
*End rant