The reality is... though, per God's Word, that as written in 1 Kings 11 God promised He would always leave one tribe at the city of Jerusalem for king David's and Jerusalem's sake. That's not all of the promised land though.
God's promise to Abraham about inheriting the land, means the old Israelite kingdom borders being restored 'in final' when Lord Jesus Christ returns. That is not... for today's time. The nation of Israel in 1948 was created again by the United Nations, through U.N. Charter vote of the nations. And they control Israel's borders today.
And according to Apostle Paul in Romans 11, God has put the "spirit of stupor" upon the majority of Paul's brethren the Jews, away from The Gospel, and that is why the Orthodox Jews still reject Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ-Messiah. And it is why God is going to send them "strong delusion" at the end of this world with the coming false-Messiah/Antichrist that comes to Jerusalem first.
So I am totally against any idea of the sons of Ishmael attacking and driving the Jews out of today's state of Israel. But I am not ignorant of what God has said He will do there in Jerusalem for the end of this world by sending those unbelieving Jews the "strong delusion" of 2 Thess.2 with that coming false-Messiah.
One of the main reasons the Orthodox Jews have wanted to return and re-establish their old dwelling places is so they can re-establish old covenant style worship at Jerusalem. They do not accept Lord Jesus as Messiah, so they are still expecting Messiah's coming today, and thus believe they are still under the old covenant. And I am amazed at how so many of my Christian brethren forget about this, or don't want to think about it. Today's Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build their 3rd temple in the holy land, and startup old covenant sacrifices and temple worship again. They even already have the cornerstone cut for the new temple, and have already been doing Passover sacrifices on a hill overlooking the Temple Mount.
Another major sign of the times today, is how some Islamic religious clerics have admitted that the Jews have always had their temple worship in Jerusalem. So those Islamic clerics are not... against the orthodox Jews building their 3rd temple in Jerusalem. The question that remain is where... exactly would they build it?