Weather forecast model tries to predict the future state of the atmosphere using the laws of physics given the current state (i.e. the weather now). Weather forecasting is subject to chaos, which includes:
- No periodic behaviour.
- Sensitivity to initial conditions.
- Chaotic motion is difficult or impossible to forecast.
- The motion 'looks' random.
- Non-linear.
But the Earth isn't a closed receives energy from the Sun, the Moon and even meteors just to name a few.
Sure, Laplace was ignorant of many things that have been discovered since his time, but his treatise was on Newtonian mechanics, and I was using his reply as a generality on the whole of physics. And we still have a great deal left to figure out.
What explanatory value do we achieve by confining a notion of God or gods to ever-receding pockets of scientific ignorance?
Actually, observing that nothing in nature points compellingly to a creator is the lack of a preconceived notion...the minute we state that nature points to anything regarding the supernatural, whether we claim it points to God or gods, or that it points to the lack of God or gods when we have no reason to say that it does either way is relying on preconceived notions.